loss of more freedom/privacy

jeff f

New Member
i thought medical records were off limits to anyone. i know if a nurse or hospital employee even mentions a patients name outside the "need to know" circle, they will be fired. now this?


can you imagine your local sheriff sitting at his desk eating a jelly donut parusing your medical records?

"hey jethro, com'on in here and look what i found"

i am moving to a small hole in the wall under a rock where nobody can find me


Well-Known Member
one of the reasons medical costs have soared is because the US made medical records this private, sacred, nobody knows, nobody talks about, thing.........

that's what your medical history is. this sacred thing.

and it wasn't always like this. pharmaceutical and medical supply companies thrive on this. one of the reasons they command such high margins and they've done so remarkably well is that we've been led to believe our medical records should be something private. like if having some health issue was a MISTAKE.

this makes EVERY doctor, even for the most mundane of cases, suggest their patients have MRI's, bloodwork, x-rays, urinalysis, fecal samples, physical exams.... the list keeps on going. all of this to avoid malpractice lawsuits. it makes health care more EXPENSIVE. it would be easily avoidable if open medical records existed. but no. we were led to believe that medical records are sacred. THAT IS A LIE.

now, in other nations, privacy laws are abit more lax. they understand that medical issues are something NOBODY should be ashamed of. it's perfectly natural, and it's NOT A MISTAKE.

they have been using electronic medical records for several years, and they even have computer software which 'converts' information stored in one information system to other formats, so that regardless of where in the country you are, when you walk into a doctors office, they have complete records of everything.

this drives prices down, because the defensive, wasteful medicine practiced in the US is not encouraged.

i don't know of a single doctor who has said: man, i wish it was a lot harder to get my patients medical history. no. they all wish it was a lot easier, because this way medicine would be a lot more straight forward.

go ahead, hide under a rock......:roll:


Well-Known Member
Well I wouldn't want my history given to the police...

I mean in Canada I am sure we have fairly relaxed med file laws, in the sense that all authorized figures have access, but I still wouldn't approve of my local police department cataloguing my hospital visits in relation to drugs, or my psychological propensities. It seems very malicious.

I would think most people in medicine are their to help people, some regulation is necessary, but unavailable files can't be tolerated either.



Active Member
Both post above here seem right to me.. First one is bout doctors having the info and the below one is bout police NOT having this info.. i couldnt agree more ;)


Well-Known Member
one of the reasons medical costs have soared is because the US made medical records this private, sacred, nobody knows, nobody talks about, thing.........
did you bother to read the article or is this just some knee-jerk reaction to anything that might possibly inhibit big brother from controlling our daily lives? this is about allowing leo unfettered access to our medical records, giving those with power over us even more power. each bit of power we allow the state to gain, each bit of privacy we relinquish, brings us one step closer to the possibility of a police state.

you're damn right my medical history is private and there's no reason for anyone to have the ability to poke around in it. if i need medical aid i will give those doctors, hospitals, pharmacies or whatever my permission to rummage around in my past. otherwise, it is no one's business. there is no increased medical cost in allowing us this sort of privacy. access is already granted with nothing more than our say-so. the extra tests and treatments seldom have anything to do with restricted access to records, they are usually an attempt to pad the bills and charge insurance companies as much as possible. they are the natural result of a society that sees mistakes as grounds for a multi-million dollar payday, a culture so litigious that we don't even go to the aid of a neighbor for fear of being sued.


Well-Known Member
one of the reasons medical costs have soared is because the US made medical records this private, sacred, nobody knows, nobody talks about, thing.........

that's what your medical history is. this sacred thing.

and it wasn't always like this. pharmaceutical and medical supply companies thrive on this. one of the reasons they command such high margins and they've done so remarkably well is that we've been led to believe our medical records should be something private. like if having some health issue was a MISTAKE.

this makes EVERY doctor, even for the most mundane of cases, suggest their patients have MRI's, bloodwork, x-rays, urinalysis, fecal samples, physical exams.... the list keeps on going. all of this to avoid malpractice lawsuits. it makes health care more EXPENSIVE. it would be easily avoidable if open medical records existed. but no. we were led to believe that medical records are sacred. THAT IS A LIE.

now, in other nations, privacy laws are abit more lax. they understand that medical issues are something NOBODY should be ashamed of. it's perfectly natural, and it's NOT A MISTAKE.

they have been using electronic medical records for several years, and they even have computer software which 'converts' information stored in one information system to other formats, so that regardless of where in the country you are, when you walk into a doctors office, they have complete records of everything.

this drives prices down, because the defensive, wasteful medicine practiced in the US is not encouraged.

i don't know of a single doctor who has said: man, i wish it was a lot harder to get my patients medical history. no. they all wish it was a lot easier, because this way medicine would be a lot more straight forward.

go ahead, hide under a rock......:roll:
Seriously man, WTF are you smoking? There are a lot of VERY good reasons medical records are kept private. People get discriminated against because of things beside just race, religion, age, and sex ya know? Medical records can contain some very personal information about behaviors such as drug/alcohol abuse, smoking, sexual habits and preferences. Obviously, medical records can contain potentially embarrassing info such as sexually transmitted diseases, mental illness and in some cases really crazy injuries like penis fractures, people shove junk in their asses............dude, I could go on and on giving examples of why our medical records should be kept private. I'm just shocked that anybody would advocate making medical records public.:-?


Well-Known Member
one of the reasons medical costs have soared is because the US made medical records this private, sacred, nobody knows, nobody talks about, thing.........

that's what your medical history is. this sacred thing.

and it wasn't always like this. pharmaceutical and medical supply companies thrive on this. one of the reasons they command such high margins and they've done so remarkably well is that we've been led to believe our medical records should be something private. like if having some health issue was a MISTAKE.

this makes EVERY doctor, even for the most mundane of cases, suggest their patients have MRI's, bloodwork, x-rays, urinalysis, fecal samples, physical exams.... the list keeps on going. all of this to avoid malpractice lawsuits. it makes health care more EXPENSIVE. it would be easily avoidable if open medical records existed. but no. we were led to believe that medical records are sacred. THAT IS A LIE.

now, in other nations, privacy laws are abit more lax. they understand that medical issues are something NOBODY should be ashamed of. it's perfectly natural, and it's NOT A MISTAKE.

they have been using electronic medical records for several years, and they even have computer software which 'converts' information stored in one information system to other formats, so that regardless of where in the country you are, when you walk into a doctors office, they have complete records of everything.

this drives prices down, because the defensive, wasteful medicine practiced in the US is not encouraged.

i don't know of a single doctor who has said: man, i wish it was a lot harder to get my patients medical history. no. they all wish it was a lot easier, because this way medicine would be a lot more straight forward.

go ahead, hide under a rock......:roll:
You should give me your medical records, I bet i can find multiple ways to fuck you with them. I can sell the info to marketers, perhaps see that they found MJ in your urine and send your employer a heads up that you are a " Serious Drug ABUSER", get you fired. Perhaps find some info on you that could be potentially embarrassing or perhaps some marriage ending Info and blackmail you with it? The sky is the limit!

Hell why don't we just let any and everyone who wants to dig into your personal life have a go at it?

jeff f

New Member
Seriously man, WTF are you smoking? There are a lot of VERY good reasons medical records are kept private. People get discriminated against because of things beside just race, religion, age, and sex ya know? Medical records can contain some very personal information about behaviors such as drug/alcohol abuse, smoking, sexual habits and preferences. Obviously, medical records can contain potentially embarrassing info such as sexually transmitted diseases, mental illness and in some cases really crazy injuries like penis fractures, people shove junk in their asses............dude, I could go on and on giving examples of why our medical records should be kept private. I'm just shocked that anybody would advocate making medical records public.:-?
is anyone REALLY surprised that a leftie wouldnt have a problem with total INVASION OF ONES PRIVACY? good grief man these fuckers want to control everything you do.

and to equate my doctor, who went to school for a hundred years to be able to save someones life, to some barney fife redneck mother fucker in the hills of norf cacalacki?

red, you have completely lost your mind and your ability to comprehend anything regarding personal liberty and freedom. the reason? because like most liberals, you think your smarter than everyone else and think you know better

jeff f

New Member
i take back everything i said on this issue. besides, we all know that cops are uncorruptable and would never use this information to come after you.....yeesh


Well-Known Member
is anyone REALLY surprised that a leftie wouldnt have a problem with total INVASION OF ONES PRIVACY? good grief man these fuckers want to control everything you do.

and to equate my doctor, who went to school for a hundred years to be able to save someones life, to some barney fife redneck mother fucker in the hills of norf cacalacki?

red, you have completely lost your mind and your ability to comprehend anything regarding personal liberty and freedom. the reason? because like most liberals, you think your smarter than everyone else and think you know better
I don't know why but it does surprise me a little bit. I really didn't think there was anybody who wanted medical records made public, except maybe the Gestapo or perhaps the SS. Just because red has no skeletons in his closet doesn't mean the rest of us don't have a thing or 2 we'd rather the whole world not know.:dunce:

jeff f

New Member
can you imagine the meetings at the police union headquarters.....

hey barney, did you see where that doc111 charactor just got a pocket full of oxycontin?

yea jimmie i did see that. i already called my brother-in-law.

oh yea i forgot he was his boss....what he say?

he said the guys a loser. he voted for bush plus he hates unions.

yea fuck that doc guy, cant wait to pull him over.

fucking priceless.

or the local corrupt police chief leaks to his buddy who is running a campaign against you. your prescriptions just "happen" to show up on the next political commercial

"doc111 got ambien in august, oxycontin in september, viagra in october. in november lets send him to rehab, not the state capital"

paid for by douchbags for progress. my name is chuck Iamgonnatakeituptheass, and i approve this message


Well-Known Member
can you imagine the meetings at the police union headquarters.....

hey barney, did you see where that doc111 charactor just got a pocket full of oxycontin?

yea jimmie i did see that. i already called my brother-in-law.

oh yea i forgot he was his boss....what he say?

he said the guys a loser. he voted for bush plus he hates unions.

yea fuck that doc guy, cant wait to pull him over.

fucking priceless.

or the local corrupt police chief leaks to his buddy who is running a campaign against you. your prescriptions just "happen" to show up on the next political commercial

"doc111 got ambien in august, oxycontin in september, viagra in october. in november lets send him to rehab, not the state capital"

paid for by douchbags for progress. my name is chuck Iamgonnatakeituptheass, and i approve this message
Hahahahahaha!!!!! That's hilarious bro! But I'm afraid that's EXACTLY what it would be like. :twisted: