Lost and found


Well-Known Member
I live with my folks who are nosy as fuck, so I have to be real careful where I keep my pipes, grinders etc etc. They are the type who don't just barge in your room but when they are in there, they LOOK. So when I hide my pieces I hide that shit good. Well, I had a Sherlock color changing pipe I was given by a friend and gave up for lost. Today, while cleaning my closet, opened an old shoebox and there that bitch was. I almost cried cause I missed that shit. Any of you lost some shit like that and found it again? Trippy

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Yeah, that type of shit happens all the time to me. I usually find it just after I'm done developing and executing a method to get by without it.


New Member
I always find .5 bags and grams around my room, it's awesome because I only sell my own weed in QP's - Pounds.. So the weeds always different.. I deal good cards, only top level shit, I have alot of suppliers so each week I could have a different strain.. So it's always something different its like a mystery game till it hits my lungs..

AHHH Pineapple express.. Good old days bongsmilie
(for the stoner movie lovers)


Well-Known Member
When I was in school I had a bowl that i loved and one day in the winter after we were out smoking at lunch i couldnt find it. I looked and looked to no avail. Come the spring im out with friends smoking and look down and there it is. Must have dropped it in the snow. It had a huge pile of snow that had been plowed on it so it took forever for the snow melt enough to find it. Lucky day.


Well-Known Member
Lol that's crazy finding it in the snow like that. So you just found it lying on the ground? Awesome!