Lost Coast OG (Emerald Triangle) + Psicodelicia (Sweet Seeds)

Hey, folks!
I thought I would start a journal of my own, as I don't want to post pics and questions on other friends' journals, hehe.
You can see the strains and breeders in the topic title.

We are now at day 42 of 12/12. Using an 150w HPS and some 20-30w CFLs for the lower buds. Femmed seeds - something went wrong and I now have some buds that have been pollinated. I find that as "free seeds", haha - I know that these things can happen with fem seeds. No bananas anywhere, though - pretty mysterious, huh.
Here are some pics from day 39 of 12/12.

Lost Coast OG

Day 39 002OG.jpgDay 39 014OG.jpgDay 39 005OG.jpg


Day 39 004.jpgDay 39 009.jpgDay 39 013.jpgDay 39 012.jpg

Using an ogranic style, except for the artificial light. 40% Potting-soil, 40% RWC, 10% Compost and 10% perlite. Fertilizing with Bio-Bloom from BioBizz, Humic extract, high-P Guano and high-K palm-tree ashes. Bio-Bloom once a week, every other week combined with Humin. First half of flowering combined the high-P Guano with the high-K palm-tree ashes to get a booster (like PK: 13/14, only then it was 15/15). Now, for the second half of flowering, I'm gonna decrease the guano-dose to get less phosphorous and more potassium (like Hammerhead - 9/18). Plants need more K after the 6th week than P.
What do you think? Are the buds too small? I know that I'm only using an 150w HPS, but I gotta ask how you find them, haha.


Well-Known Member
Hey LiberateMJ! hows the grow going?? Hope everything is good! Can't wait to see them around 60 days flower!
Update us when you can!
Sure - I didn't give much info as there were no comments. Still, I'll simply sum everything up - I think that they look pretty decent at the very least for 150w HPS - anyway, the smell BOMB! I'll give more info soon, I hope - the OG will come down in about 4 days, hopefully. Grow- and smoke-report will follow - the smoke report will be after at least 2 weeks in the jars - at least the info about final taste/aroma. Thanks for the visit, bro!
Peace and Positive Vibes.


Well-Known Member
Looking good thanks for the update. I have some Emerald Triangle beans on the way. Lost Coast OG and Super Sour OG. I've heard mostly positive reports about their gear so far and with the Attitude promo last week I couldn't resist. They really need to stop doing these promos already! Turning people into seed hoarders, lol.

So what's the odor like with the Lost Coast?
Comin' down at 10 weeks in. :)


Chopping Day 001.jpgChopping Day 019.jpgChopping Day 004.jpgChopping Day 026.jpgChopping Day 017.jpg


Chopping Day 002.jpgChopping Day 022.jpgChopping Day 003.jpgChopping Day 006.jpgChopping Day 028.jpg

The Psico smells AMAZING! It has the a very penetrating tropical fruit-jelly aroma - the most stunning one I've ever come to smell, actually. I did a preliminary quick-dry test of the smoke - just to see how's the effect and to get a general idea of what's to come... after all - growing is only one half of the way to get a high-quality bud! I was very disappointed with the effect, though. It wasn't the clear inspirational high I was hoping for... I felt more like devastated - some couch-lock was evident, paranoia and an overall unpleasant experience. Some mild visual hallucinations were evident, witch was the only part I enjoyed, haha... Still - it was a quickly dried bud! It will be much better in terms of effect and taste after it has been properly dried and cured, I'm sure! This is the best cannabis smell I've ever felt - literally radiating from the freshly cut plant, I'm sure it will not disappoint!
The OG smelled a LOT like the Orange Bud (100% Skunk from DP) I last grew - like some sweet liquor and not too strong (FOR NOW) citrus undertone, witch I'm sure will come up stronger after the cure. I tried the OG, too - it had the most pleasant effect I've EVER felt from cannabis! Took all the anxiety and worries away for a good couple of hours. I felt light, super transparent high - absolutely clear. I was alone when I tried it at first - super relaxed; after smoking it with my best friend, the effect charged me with a social boost and we found ourselves talking about lots of shit - some made sense, some not... but I didn't care! That is how I see a good joint - if you simply don't care what's happening and quietly enjoying everything from a small distance. Towards the end, the effect slowly creeped away and left me fresh and with a nice boost of confidence.
I don't find it necessary to share any info on the dried buds' smell/taste, since it was a just to see what's to come... and I REALLY wanted it, haha.
Of course, I only share this info, because I was asked by Sonar, BUT - everything will change A LOT after the cure, so I'll have my final conclusions after at least 2 weeks.
I hope you all enjoyed the pictures - I am very delighted with the grow. They won't yield much, but I only have an 150w HPS + 110w (2x30w;2x25w) CFL for the lower and more distant buds... I hope I'll get at least 30gr/plant, but we'll see, hopefully.

Peace and Love.
WOW! That was a fast reply, hehe... Thank you for you feedback, mate! I really appreciate it - even more because of the fact that you've had previous experience with that strain. Could you please tell me - is this signature-OG strain like the original OG? I've never tried neither Chem, nor the OG, so I was simply wondering if it's close to the real deal, hehe. I have two more beans from the OG, witch I intend to grow as soon as possible, because I really enjoyed growing, smelling and sampling this strain, hehe.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
The only other OG I had was the #18, and it was completely different in terms of smell and taste. It was way more chemmy from the chem 4. I prefer the Lost Coast to it, at least the pheno I ended up with. Pretty identical as far as potency and high goes, but the Lost Coast is a lot more tasty to me, and I like the smell better. Also, the 18 was a hermie monster too and the Lost Coast's yield is a little more solid. I'm running Cali Connection's Larry too to see how that compares to the Lost Coast.
Very exited to see how Larry's legendary OG compares to ET's - I can only say that the bud I cut from LC OG at day 39 was SUPER citrusy and very tasty, indeed. The Psico - not so much, but I have a feeling that after the cure the Psico will be better overall, hehe... I can't believe I just wrote that, haha. I was dwelling over whether to go with the Sour Lemon OG or the LC OG and decided to go with the LC OG as they said it was a nice representative. How's the SL OG? Have you sampled it yet? I am seriously considering trying all ET strains, but I'm waiting for a sign, I guess, hehe... I also wanted to give Alphakronik Seeds a try, but I read something about very bad germ rates... Any help on that? 'Cause I'm very keen on those Snowdawgs, hehe.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
The Sour Lemon has about 3 weeks left. It smells really nice. Like a mix of strong smelling hash (like imported hash), chem, and citrus. I've never done any Alphakronik's stuff, but I've thought about it. I don't know anything about the germ rates with them.
Well, I kept reading and reading and read pretty much the same - Alpha's seeds have a very low germ rate; some people get their replacement seeds and some don't... I have no intention of popping different strains, so if I get a five pack and have those five seeds on the germ... there would be no way for me to prove it's the strain and not me if none of the seeds germinate, haha... So, I guess I wouldn't be able to get a replacement pack, although Alpha seems to be a good fella, I would strongly recommend him to shed some light on that matter. I don't understand HOW this could be - I have my seeds from this project (donno if I mentioned) and I'm 100% confident that I won't have ANY non-germinated seeds. They are all super dark, big and all in all - the best-looking seeds I have seen so far.
I don't know if it was the OG or the Psico or me (I was around some male plants - doing my own future project and selecting a male, so it could be from my clothes), but I have some 5 lowest buds on the OG that are ALL seed and a couple of seeds on the Psico. I checked and checked again - no signs of bananas anywhere. Tommy told me the bananas could be even withing the bud its self, so I guess I won't know what the father is until I pop them, hehe.
Anyway, I found another great popular-hybrid seedbank - House of Funk.
Any info on them? They seem to have worked with Bodhi a lot... and I know that Bodhi is trust-worthy, at the very least, hehe. Or, if anyone has any other ideas on reg Chem-hybrids seeds at an affordable price - please share.
Peace and Positive Vibes. :)
Hello, folks!
I thought I had decided to go with Chem4 OG from Cali Connection and buy 5 of them pick'n'mix style, but then I though about the OG I was smoking and figured: "Hey, why not get a reg pack from ET?!", haha... So, I decided to stick with Emerald Triangle for a while and try more of their gear. Now, I'm split between their Super Sour OG and the Royal Purple Kush. I figured Super Sour OG would be like a genetic symphony after reading the info on the strain; on the other hand, RPK also has a balanced all-round high (witch I'm looking for). The description of its flavor was very seductive and if its bud changes color, I'd definitely go with it.
So, does Royal Purple Kush change color? Is the change genetic-based or temperature-based? Actually, I don't really care as long as I can find a purple pheno, hehe.
And - has anyone tried the Super Sour OG? Would you say it has a medicinal high? Is there anyone who is willing to give me info or at least links to the information - I hope so, hehe.
Peace and Blessings.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/470882-emerald-triangle-super-sour-o.html <<Super Sour OG journal

If you would have gotten Cali Connections Chem4og fem, you would have gotten a S1 seed from a straight Chem #4 clone. No svg og in it. I don't know why they're still labeled like that, but that's what the deal is. Nice little secret not everyone knows about. The same goes for their Larry, Tahoe, and Pre 98 Bubba. All s1s from the original clones. I'm doing their larry, pre-98 bubba, and chem 4. So we'll see if they're as stable as the ET fems.



Well-Known Member
Man I have mixed feelings on the RPK! I really like one of my phenos, one is real nice but its lacking, and one I chopped early because it was so bad that it wasn't worth wasting light on! haha Capt.'s SL OG looks awesome! I'd suggest given it a shot!