Lost Coast Plant Therapy in the worm bin


Well-Known Member
Has anyone fed anything sprayed with lost coast plant therapy to their worms? There is something on their site about being ecosystem friendly but I’d like to hear from someone who has tried it.
For what purpose? I used it for thrips but not in my wormbin.
Sorry, I should’ve clarified. I want to throw plants that have been sprayed with it in the worm bin. I prune my mothers back super hard every couple weeks and feed everything to the worms.
Sorry, I should’ve clarified. I want to throw plants that have been sprayed with it in the worm bin. I prune my mothers back super hard every couple weeks and feed everything to the worms.

Ah I see, I read that too fast lol. I dont see any harm in that. I give the plants a good plain water spray rinse a day after so most of the residue would come offs. Dont think it's that concentrate it would affect the worms.
Ah I see, I read that too fast lol. I dont see any harm in that. I give the plants a good plain water spray rinse a day after so most of the residue would come offs. Dont think it's that concentrate it would affect the worms.
That’s a good idea, I’ll start doing that once I stop seeing thrips. I was worried they wouldn’t like the peppermint in it but after searching online a bit I’ve found a few people who have fed their worms mint.