Lost my job today


Well-Known Member
Over 30 years as a RN. Level I trauma OR nurse. ICU/CCU. 17 years in ER from ABQ to Denver to Phoenix to Las Vegas to . . . .. Dialysis nurse in only one of two prisons in the state of Texas to do dialysis and it is the forensic psych unit one - all the patients are crazy as loons and did horrific crimes to be there. Murder, rape . . ..

Was fired this morning. By a fat assed manager who never ever sets foot on a treatment floor. The reason? I am not happy where I'm at and it shows. According to her.

According to me it's their hiring of multiple inexperienced nurses due to a lack of experienced nurses. Then they mollycoddle these lazy dumb bitches they hired. Patients have been put at risk including one who stroked the very next treatment despite me telling his nurse that he was not right and to send him to the ER. No, she didn't because she feared she would look stupid if nothing was wrong. I told her "I called this same doc about a patient a couple months ago and told him I could not quite put my finger on an exact cause but something serious was wrong with Mr. X in my opinion but I had no diagnostic tools to find out why". The doc said if I felt that way then send him on. I did. The man had a 2nd degree Mallory Weiss tear in his GE junction where his esophagus enters the stomach. Veins, the size of your little finger for a couple of them, all exposed as a result of years of drinking. One more good heave and he could have torn those veins, even if just one, and bled to death before the ambulance arrived. Good call, nurse, he said when he called back. No, she leaves this poor man being treated and then sent home to return his next scheduled treatment. He did, she put him in the cahir again and hooked him up to dialysis - and he fucking strokes in the chair soon after. Now he's a permanent fucking cripple who has a hard time even asking to shit. Her? She's as happy as a pig in shit because nobody but me will say anything. Except for everyone to not admit any possible culpability according to our legal department. really? No shit? But what about this poor man, now trapped in a dysfunctional body?

I could go on with story after story from just this past 15 months. I won't. Suffice to say at my age I tolerate shoddiness not at all. I went into nursing to obtain training in a profession with a secure future. I never had a single dream of going in to take care of people shitting in bed or arriving dead in the ER shot to death at 9 or any of that other shit. I am not a co-dependent in other words.

But by God - when I have patients under my care, and this includes prisoners or the most despicable free soul alive, you will get the best care I can render if that is what I am assigned to do. This place can expect medicare crawling up their asses ASAP.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear. I'm sure with your experience you'll have no problem finding something soon. I'd take advantage of the vacation if I were you.


Well-Known Member
do it, congrats on having had one. i hope you invested in something for the time that you had it. go all the way take that hospital threw the coals. those are some of the most fucked up if not the best blessings place one could go. but if somethings wrong in a place like that run there asses over. take it threw medicare and higher. that and highly everything good about your self for you next place. 30 some yrs thats still fantastic for another hospital.


Well-Known Member
that sounds terrible man! I'm sorry you lost your job, you obviously deserve to work there and with your attitude I believe you should be hired anywhere! You obviously have a passion for it and if they don't wise up and take you back (if you'll even let them, they don't deserve you imo) I think you can find a job somewhere else with minimal effort, you have the drive, the knowledge and the care. You'll rebound from this in no time my friend, good luck. :)


Well-Known Member
I live easily with the fact I speak my mind. Not in an ugly fashion but I cam not afraid to say "No that will not work" when a doctor orders something inappropriate or at the wrong time. And I have had several docs over the years impressed enough by what I did that they told me so. I'm old now and not a lot of time left to try to impart some knowledge and wisdom on younger caregivers - doctors included where I am well known for speaking out.

"Humor him - he's old and besides - he's nearly always right" I heard one doctor say to another in a locker room a couple years ago.

Nearly always? Hmmmppphh.


Well-Known Member
And thanks, folks. Semper Fi to my USMC (and USN too I guess) brothers and sisters. And thanks to all who served and to all who wait while their loved ones do.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Sorry bout gettin fired. On the other hand by the sounds of it, it is probably a blessing in disguise. Everything happens for a reason. I believe this. I was fired from a job that I absolutely loved for telling a guy the truth. I was devastated. It took a while but I am now happier than ever.

Perhaps getting fired happened so you would expose this sub-par facility for what it is. In doing so you will undoubtedly save more than just one life. ;-)

Whatever you choose I wish you happiness and good health.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
And thanks, folks. Semper Fi to my USMC (and USN too I guess) brothers and sisters. And thanks to all who served and to all who wait while their loved ones do.
sorry to hear it. three years ago i lost my job of 26 years. it's hard to contemplate for a while, but things will get better. GL


Active Member
Sorry to hear this man. Sounds like they are losing a valuable employee.

Good luck to you in your search for a new one. Personally I would take some "Me time" for a bit.


New Member
I recall loosing my last job , I was so fucking relieved and in the end I received my sanity back as well .. I too worked under superiors with no damn common sense .. I would rather work for an Idiot with common sense than work for someone who is intelligent but lacking sense ..

As well I cant say with clarity that the newest arrivals to the workforce hold the same ethic and moral as there predecessors .

When one door closes , another will open .. I am sure the sage Hotrodharley knows this one already though ;)... Peace .. PotSnob


New Member
Fuck it , have a beer and chill .. Smoke one and repeat the lyrics



Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about your dumbass boss.*

your skills are always gonna be in high demand though, so have a nice little vacation while you decide on your next place.

and best of luck!


Well-Known Member
So very sorry you lost your job , but I do feel it was for a dam good reason. The person who fired you was probably jealous. I would definitely call him back and tell him or her to suck your (well you get the ideal). . Just wait and see you will have another job as soon as you are ready.Until then sit their and laugh at the asshat.Blessing to you and yours.


New Member
That same shit has happened to me,in a different field.It sucks to be on the receiving end for sure.Its hard to comprehend A) how people get away with this and B) how to they sleep at night


Ursus marijanus
Over 30 years as a RN. Level I trauma OR nurse. ICU/CCU. 17 years in ER from ABQ to Denver to Phoenix to Las Vegas to . . . .. Dialysis nurse in only one of two prisons in the state of Texas to do dialysis and it is the forensic psych unit one - all the patients are crazy as loons and did horrific crimes to be there. Murder, rape . . ..

Was fired this morning. By a fat assed manager who never ever sets foot on a treatment floor. The reason? I am not happy where I'm at and it shows. According to her.

According to me it's their hiring of multiple inexperienced nurses due to a lack of experienced nurses. Then they mollycoddle these lazy dumb bitches they hired. Patients have been put at risk including one who stroked the very next treatment despite me telling his nurse that he was not right and to send him to the ER. No, she didn't because she feared she would look stupid if nothing was wrong. I told her "I called this same doc about a patient a couple months ago and told him I could not quite put my finger on an exact cause but something serious was wrong with Mr. X in my opinion but I had no diagnostic tools to find out why". The doc said if I felt that way then send him on. I did. The man had a 2nd degree Mallory Weiss tear in his GE junction where his esophagus enters the stomach. Veins, the size of your little finger for a couple of them, all exposed as a result of years of drinking. One more good heave and he could have torn those veins, even if just one, and bled to death before the ambulance arrived. Good call, nurse, he said when he called back. No, she leaves this poor man being treated and then sent home to return his next scheduled treatment. He did, she put him in the cahir again and hooked him up to dialysis - and he fucking strokes in the chair soon after. Now he's a permanent fucking cripple who has a hard time even asking to shit. Her? She's as happy as a pig in shit because nobody but me will say anything. Except for everyone to not admit any possible culpability according to our legal department. really? No shit? But what about this poor man, now trapped in a dysfunctional body?

I could go on with story after story from just this past 15 months. I won't. Suffice to say at my age I tolerate shoddiness not at all. I went into nursing to obtain training in a profession with a secure future. I never had a single dream of going in to take care of people shitting in bed or arriving dead in the ER shot to death at 9 or any of that other shit. I am not a co-dependent in other words.

But by God - when I have patients under my care, and this includes prisoners or the most despicable free soul alive, you will get the best care I can render if that is what I am assigned to do. This place can expect medicare crawling up their asses ASAP.

So sorry to hear this, hotrod. I see it as proof that the healthcare industry has lost sight of its primary mission (people are job 1: take care of them) for its workers as well as the patients. Damn management culture. cn
not only am i sorry that you lost a job you care about but i am sorry as well for the people who won't be receiving your care while you are not on the job. damn shame.


Well-Known Member
But by God - when I have patients under my care, and this includes prisoners or the most despicable free soul alive, you will get the best care I can render if that is what I am assigned to do.
i think thats what nursing is all about. don't give up the fight. even if you lose a job or two. your chosen profession is in high demand. you won't be unemployed for long.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about the job hotrod. I'm sure since you've worked in the field for such a long time you've seen change and pretty much nobody gives a fuck anymore as long as you hand them a paycheck. Sounds like there's one less person in the field that does give a fuck. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Sorry bout gettin fired. On the other hand by the sounds of it, it is probably a blessing in disguise. Everything happens for a reason. I believe this. I was fired from a job that I absolutely loved for telling a guy the truth. I was devastated. It took a while but I am now happier than ever.

Perhaps getting fired happened so you would expose this sub-par facility for what it is. In doing so you will undoubtedly save more than just one life. ;-)

Whatever you choose I wish you happiness and good health.
I agree 100%. Get a bushel of lemons then have lemonade. They were trying to transfer me to CO. BS on that. They were angry I had turned in a patient and his spouse to Adult Protective Services. He was rotting. Literally. His wife refused to put him in care because she would have to sign over some assets. The clinic asked me to give their social worker a chance to handle it. 4 months later he had not despite me confronting him every chance I got. The guys skin was literally sloughing off his arms by now from widespread necrosis by something - these assholes wouldn't even culture it to find out. "Hey - $3K a day and we get $36K a month to do this so STFU."

Really? I called the state. The state examiner that arrived had a cow and demanded of the MD why she should not seize this man immediately as a ward of the state.

My ass awas grass after that. So, I told them "X is next" referring to the only other neglected adult we had for dialysis. Get this - his fucking family owns one of the biggest Thai restaurants in Alaska. HUGE fucking place in Anchorage. Now they work hard and there is no two ways about that. But this man would arrive starving to death. Every single treatment. He was Hmong, a refugee from Laos. His name was extremely complex but by chance we had a foreign exchange student when I was in high school with the exact same last name and it starts with "X". When I was new, in front of him, they told me "This is Mr X and nobody can say his name so just call him X". I said his name. The old man was stunned. He grabbed my hand and started saying his name over and over and "Hmong - Lao - me! You bet".

He died before I could get the evidence together. May the old ally to our forces there (Viet Nam) RIP.


Well-Known Member
I'm only 63 but can file for early SS. Might do that and work part-time. I want to do medical missions with this ortho surgeo I used to do OR with in Texas. He goes to Guatemala 3 times a year with a dentist, an ophthalmologist (with boxes of used and sample eyeglasses), ortho (Dr. C) and a maxillofacial/oral surgeon when they can. He assures me after 3 days of dawn to dusk work we will fly away tired but sad that we can see a line of people who lined up. They know the docs leave and expect it. But just in case the plane won't start or come because one time . . ..

And I have already signed on for Operation Smile to help do cleft palate surgeries for free/cheap. 1 or 2 days a month. Who knows? God has a plan and a believer to follow it.

BTW, Operation Smile is always free to the child and family. I mention cheap because we try to solicit the $175 or so that it costs to actually cover real expenses. See how they screw you? We give our time for any of these efforts.