Anyone else really hoping the writers have something epic planned for the end?
After like 5 years it would be BULLSHIT if they chopped it up to hell.
But hey get this, I was thinking this morning:
****SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN WATCHING THE NEW (LAST) SEASON!!!************************************
So, we have been seeing all the character's tangent lifes, at some moment a tangent universe WAS created right? What with Desmond and Charles Whitmore as friends, with all the dead characters ALIVE... Well, WHAT if the tangent universe is the one on the island, and the REAL world is the one we have JUST started seeing?
I was thinking that if they had to close this tangent universe, then pretty much EVERYBODY would be happy, and ALIVE!
Besides, it seems as if Charles Whitmore, and Desmond are going to become friends, or mutual at least, the viewers want to see that as Mr. Whitmore has never liked desmond, and he's been standing in the way of Desmond and Penny since the beginning...
Also, my pops thinks the island is purgatory, the plane between heaven and hell... I don't think that really takes the show anywhere... So what, everybody has been dead since the plane crash but the universe doesn't know if they're good OR evil? That would be pretty stupid, and I think the writers are more clever than that...
Anyone dig this?