LOST-ready for it to be over


Well-Known Member
after many years of my life, i am so ready for lost to be done. I have been watching for years, and i have no fucking clue what is going on and there is like 5 episodes left.

I am ready for it to be done, so I can move on with my life! anyone feel the same?
OH man, I've been hooked since the first episode. And now, for every question answered there are two more questions needing answers. Like this whole sideways thing. I first thought it was kind of like a "what if the plane hadn't gone down" type of thing but now we're seeing that it's more like the plane did go down, somehow they went back in time before it went down and avoided it going down. Because now the sideways glances are showing us that they're remember things they didn't do.

Yeah, I'm ready for the final answers. And I'm going to be so pissed if it turns out some kind of lame ass bad dream type of thing. There had better be some kind of fuckin' point to the last 6 years of watching religously.

I'm really pissed that "Dancing with the Stars" has done away with the rerun episodes that came with Cliff Notes.

Love the show though.
after many years of my life, i am so ready for lost to be done. I have been watching for years, and i have no fucking clue what is going on and there is like 5 episodes left.

I am ready for it to be done, so I can move on with my life! anyone feel the same?

Been watching since the beginning. I say that every episode now... Just want it to be over.
I've been watching since like the second season...

Interesting show, very very well written...

I watch every episode baked outta my mind, if I don't have herb it just sits on my computer waiting to be watched
feel the same way... they got lots of answering to do still.. i better not be disappointed.. ive watched every episode, and if its good I may watch them again..
Anyone else really hoping the writers have something epic planned for the end?

After like 5 years it would be BULLSHIT if they chopped it up to hell.

But hey get this, I was thinking this morning:

****SPOILER IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN WATCHING THE NEW (LAST) SEASON!!!************************************

So, we have been seeing all the character's tangent lifes, at some moment a tangent universe WAS created right? What with Desmond and Charles Whitmore as friends, with all the dead characters ALIVE... Well, WHAT if the tangent universe is the one on the island, and the REAL world is the one we have JUST started seeing?

I was thinking that if they had to close this tangent universe, then pretty much EVERYBODY would be happy, and ALIVE!

Besides, it seems as if Charles Whitmore, and Desmond are going to become friends, or mutual at least, the viewers want to see that as Mr. Whitmore has never liked desmond, and he's been standing in the way of Desmond and Penny since the beginning...

Also, my pops thinks the island is purgatory, the plane between heaven and hell... I don't think that really takes the show anywhere... So what, everybody has been dead since the plane crash but the universe doesn't know if they're good OR evil? That would be pretty stupid, and I think the writers are more clever than that...

Anyone dig this? bongsmilie
I know my limits as a human being. I know I am not smart or creative enough to have any idea what this clusterfuck will end up meaning in the end. :) Just got my significant other up to speed by watching the entire first 5 seasons over the last month, then watched all of Season 6 till current.

Lets hope its a lot better than Mulholland Drive (2001 movie)!
Desmond is the link between both realities... I really think i know whats going to happen, but im busy so ill type just a cliff notes. At the end, everything will go back to like the plane never crashed... Desmond will be the one to re-unite all of the "crash survivors" back in the real world.. because he is the only one not affected by the flashes.. like he did with hurley and whats her face in the last episode. Anyways Desmond is the key, and Jack will be the "chosen one" to protect the island. Either that or its sun and jins child that is to protect the island.. sorry, just woke up otherwise Id go into more details... plus i gotta get a paper done..
or its sun and jins child that is to protect the island..

Yeah I like that, I think that's what's going to happen.

I mean, they keep talking about how it's either, "sun or jin kwon" but never mention how it could be the child.

Do you guys remember the one child that we keep seeing, who keeps taunting the "smoke monster" maybe there is some connection with children, and the island?

I mean, originally we thought it was not possible to birth a child on The Island, but didn't sun do that? (or was that that blonde chick that is Jack's sister? I don't remember)

Yeah I like that, I think that's what's going to happen.

I mean, they keep talking about how it's either, "sun or jin kwon" but never mention how it could be the child.

Do you guys remember the one child that we keep seeing, who keeps taunting the "smoke monster" maybe there is some connection with children, and the island?

I mean, originally we thought it was not possible to birth a child on The Island, but didn't sun do that? (or was that that blonde chick that is Jack's sister? I don't remember)

claire is the chicks name.. yea man, I dunno but I do know for sure Desmond and Jack will have 2 huge roles in the finally. I like how they are bringing back all of the dead characters too.. I really hope the next 6 episodes are amazing.... we'll see.. Ill subscribe to this thread so we can see how close i am to the truth..
I really needa re-watch the past seasons, cause I smoked WAYYYY too much weed in between seasons, and I think im missing alot of the smaller details..
LOL this my exact problem with the show! You see how many more questions we have, just created from the current season?
who is the kid?
how does a smoke monster change bodies?
how does the smoke monster know the rules of killing no contestants?
So the smoke monster wants to leave now?
I thought the others had an alarm they could trip that called the smoke monster (in ben's house that is when the monster killed his daughter)?
What happened to the little black boy that the others kidnapped?
Will we find out what the numbers actually mean?
So in the split timeline, now they have completely new lives where they know each other?
...How many "others" are there??

the list goes on and on but that was just the ones that popped into my head right that quick haha
I really needa re-watch the past seasons, cause I smoked WAYYYY too much weed in between seasons, and I think im missing alot of the smaller details..

lol YEAH, but hey man just look for the torrents like S06E00 or whatever, they recap what happened last season, it's basically a half hour synopsis.... Way easier than watching all the shows

LOL this my exact problem with the show! You see how many more questions we have, just created from the current season?
who is the kid?
how does a smoke monster change bodies?
how does the smoke monster know the rules of killing no contestants?
So the smoke monster wants to leave now?
I thought the others had an alarm they could trip that called the smoke monster (in ben's house that is when the monster killed his daughter)?
What happened to the little black boy that the others kidnapped?
Will we find out what the numbers actually mean?
So in the split timeline, now they have completely new lives where they know each other?
...How many "others" are there??

the list goes on and on but that was just the ones that popped into my head right that quick haha

lol dude you totally missed a bunch of shit

**********SPOILER ALERT SEASON 6*******

Aight, first off I think the smoke monster is more a spirit, not a man, or physical being. It's cause of that that he can morph.

The smoke monster knows the rules because he has been with Jacob and this 'game' of contestants for a long time now.

The little black boy is in New York, he got out with his dad. Remember how John Locke went and found him?

As for the numbers... Do you remember when the contestants were revealed, how people had numbers next to their names, and the people who died were crossed off?

Well, each number represents one of the contestants as according to that list in that cave.


Hope that helps