Lots of gnats in my soil and on my plants... Need remedy fast!


Well-Known Member
I need help dealing with these fuckers... I just ordered some organocide, but it wont get here until a week.... What can i do?.... I already had some organocide, but it was the ready to use version, and it really didnt help for more than 2 days, then they were infested again... Maybe i was just using it wrong.... but at least i know its safe, and this time i plan to make it a little stronger..

for for now... anything i can do to get ride of them till then, or maybe someone knows an asian chinese secret that can get rid of them forever!..... So, yea... anyone know of something that will be safe for my plants, and deadly on those annoying fuckers i cant seem to get rid of?

and so far, these are the only kind of insects issues.... annoying gnats flying out of my soil..... What do gnats do besides be annoying.... Do they eat on the roots, or create disease, or what?


Well-Known Member
i dont know whats up.... I never had this problem until now.... This is like my 5th grow, and dont know if its some nutrient that is attracting them or what..... Been thinking maybe it's been the vinegar i have been using instead of PH down... If it's that, then I'll probably go back to using PH Down by General Hydroponics....


Well-Known Member
Adult gnats are just annoying, the larvae will eat roots if they are hungry enough. The problem is often due to the soil staying too wet for too long. You can kill them off with chemicals but that will also kill your micro life in the soil. You could add a couple inches of sand to the top of the soil, which helps eliminate the breeding ground. When using a biological control, multiple applications are needed to make a lasting difference. Also, don't forget some sticky fly paper to trap adult females.


Well-Known Member
I used the sand and the paper it's starting to help but it took at lest a week,I hate those little fuckers...Someone said they will not hurt your plant?


Well-Known Member
Adult gnats are just annoying, the larvae will eat roots if they are hungry enough. The problem is often due to the soil staying too wet for too long. You can kill them off with chemicals but that will also kill your micro life in the soil. You could add a couple inches of sand to the top of the soil, which helps eliminate the breeding ground. When using a biological control, multiple applications are needed to make a lasting difference. Also, don't forget some sticky fly paper to trap adult females.
Quit being so happy with the water can.

A bit more of the dry part of the wet/dry cycle will keep them away.



Active Member
It might be that im stoned (hey its 4:20) but did you say what soil you use?

I use MG faithfully and recommend it to everyone. (Dont fall for the hype)

However there are some things to remember, MG has nutes in it and many new users start feeding a little early, For example: I dont fert at all during veg. Just normal organic receipes.

AND your problem MG soil tends to have those bugs(MANY) I learned to not water so often, moist soil is what hatches those things. I tend to put some fly strips in the room and they seem to draw to them. I dont like putting ANYTHING on my buds except plain water in a mist throughtout the dry times. Thats all.

Cut your water levels or frequency and you will see them decline.


Active Member
If they have eggs and shit in your soil then their larvae will slowly eat your roots. I've heard people say to use dish soap but I swear I've tested a large concentration of it with little help. I heard DE (Demetrius earth) is the best for these problems and it's safe. I may pick up some for future need today also. Maybe someone who's used it has input?


Well-Known Member
get some potatoe slices & place them over ur soil, the larvae should find their way to the slices, check after about 12 hours. repeat as necessary removing the slices as the larvae attach. use household peroxide 10% to water, next time u water to help as well.


Well-Known Member
If they have eggs and shit in your soil then their larvae will slowly eat your roots. I've heard people say to use dish soap but I swear I've tested a large concentration of it with little help. I heard DE (Demetrius earth) is the best for these problems and it's safe. I may pick up some for future need today also. Maybe someone who's used it has input?
I think you're referring to diatomaceous earth.


Active Member
Hotshot hotshot will kill those pest. I had that problem the only thing that worked was a hotshot from home depot. I turned off all fans put the hotshot in the room for 12 dark hours then removed it and it was all good. My girls were in all stages of growth.


Well-Known Member
Hot shot will kill the adults flying around. I've used Gnatrol and it worked very well. supposed to be all natural trr bark or something. Just mix it in the wate, water plants and stop seeing fungus gnats. Both used together would give you immediate results.


Active Member
Hotshot hotshot will kill those pest. I had that problem the only thing that worked was a hotshot from home depot. I turned off all fans put the hotshot in the room for 12 dark hours then removed it and it was all good. My girls were in all stages of growth.
Is that stuff made for vegetables?
Natural Pryrethine will work as well as a Hot Shot pest control strip sold at lowes also sand and hydro pebbles will keep other pest from getting in had them myself took a week to get rid of