You are a blatant i've had some exchanges with Zenmaster...LMAO so that paints me as a member who goes around insulting, bashing, taunting etc etc? WOW
mind you, EVERYBODY has exchanges with Zenmaster.....he think its his duty to defend and blow G W Bush.....he brings it on himself....
not only that....but i guess you wasnt around when Zenmaster talked down on minorities....more specifically African Americans....
ya god damned right i've had exchanges with Zenmaster and his tattle telling ass
You are a blatant liar.
You came after me simply because I didn't jump on the "I H8 BUSH" bandwagon. You felt the need to start insulting me like a little preteen. You dare have the audacity to say
"PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show me where you've seen me taunt or flame any member unless i was backed in a corner...or felt attacked.
bashing and insulting is the same. im always on defense....never offense. i wait til im attacked."
Sorry, but thats actually me you are describing. I have never attacked someone first, however, you have. Hypocritical.
I have more friends than enemies here, and I don't go around talking shit and putting things in my quotes in effort to humiliate someone publicly. You are a lying hypocritical little shit who runs his mouth off. I thought putting you on ignore would be enough, but oh no, you follow me around in threads trying to start shit. You are a troll, this thread completely nails you.
You lying bastard, I never said anything racist here, you are trying to sully my name but its just proving how pathetic you are.
more flaming more flaming!!!!
what do you want it to be about?Someone should start a thread about me.
we all have to be good at something.I want it to be about my gloriousness
what it will be about is how much of a tool I am. Nick F actually just started one. Hopefully it will pass from the new thread lists before the rooms get full. A couple people on here are good at being dicks.![]()
what do you want it to be about?
I'm surprised I haven't been the brunt of a thread either - kind of jealous in a way - must not be doing something right.
Hey loudblunt...did you hermie on us ???????i just got back...... yanno having a life?
sorry cant entertain these local fraggle rocks all the time.
Userfriendly, you're a sad soul as to start a thread about me. You said you're not embarrassed or whatever the fuck (stop reading after the first few words) but clearly you are, you started a thread for little ol me.....Thanks for caring so much! It just puts a big ass smile on my face that you'd care so much about me to start a thread!'ve stroked my ego well.....thanks for letting me know i can get under your skin.
second, mods....isnt this a personal attack? blatant attack if ya ask me....
third...i have a cock and balls. no she up in me, thanks.
fourth.....i could give 2.5 fucks if fucking Albert Einstein said indicas dont hermie. Last time i've check....cannabis and its knowns and research remain underground because of its legal status.....therefore any research on the plant can be taken with a grain of salt.....we have no regulated testing or whatever whatever.
to believe that sativas will hermie more than an indica is bogus and ignorant in the least.