Louie XIII OG in Dual Monster Plant System (3rd Scrog)


Well-Known Member
did i mention todays my birthday and i get to spend it trimming oh joy lol.

oh well nothing sounds sweeter than that clunkity clunk of a dense nugget hitting the table and bouncing

Yup, that's what good weed looks like. Welcome to the thread.

i dont really want alot from my camera and im fairly happy with my point and shoot for most things. its just auto focus really shits me. its fine for landscapes etc but sometimes if there is a particular feature you really want to highlight. a bug or a bird etc sometimes auto focus just doesnt agree and thinks that big leaf off to the left is more interesting and you completely miss the moment.
Ooooooh, you're bringing out the camera salesman in me. I know right around a 1000 US sounds like a chunk of change... and it is. But it sounds like you have an interest in image capture that goes a bit beyond the point-and-shoot realm. Spending the grand hurts, but I do believe that this thing would come through for you time and again, proving to be a good investment in the long run. Just think about it:
I know FM and Mohican have had great results with Samsung, so I decided to check out their mirrorless interchangeable system. This is what tells me that the 20.3 megapixel sensor on this thing is legit:


Well-Known Member
Uh... Yeah, that's me. Lol.
Y'know how you can tell that's not really me? 1) I'm not an idiot 2) I detest Nikon.


Well-Known Member
A lot of Asian girls use the 50D. That's why I got rid of mine.


Well-Known Member
cmon jin we all know you are THE asian gangster photographer pmsl.

$1000 doesnt seem to extreme if it comes with a lense. i could see myself dropping that kind of coin.


Well-Known Member
cmon jin we all know you are THE asian gangster photographer pmsl.

$1000 doesnt seem to extreme if it comes with a lense. i could see myself dropping that kind of coin.
That would be sweet if you picked that up at some point!


Well-Known Member

Y'know, sometimes I still can't quite believe she's alive.

Forming the bush.

Lovely, lovely macros.



Well-Known Member
Looking gorgeous in there Jin! The girls look perfect!
Thanks. I'm trying my best not to screw anything up. I got sick right around this time last grow. Fit as a fiddle this time and watching the girls and the fluid levels carefully.


Well-Known Member
The algae attack isn't nearly as bad as last time. I caught it much earlier thankfully. I won't be caught napping again. Damned light makes just about everything go green.

Including the roots. Not good. But I solved the problem.

This is a pretty nice photo with a pretty old camera. Hey, sometimes I get lucky.

Live to scrog. Scrog to live.


Well-Known Member
This is something cloners can appreciate. Celery, in addition to being delicious, is a trippy, unstoppable plant. Just a little dab of salad dressing.


Well-Known Member
This is Czech model, Jenni. She's graced the pages of Playboy Germany and has appeared in a number of softcore erotic sites. She, for obvious reasons, has been one of my favorites over the years. If you're a career perv like me, you might recognize her.

Anyway, I dropped Jenni a note at Mayem and she responds with "Why didn't you contact me sooner? I was in the US last year!" Oh, boy.

I have a thing for European models. Their English is so adorable. Here's a sample from Jenni:
"- I am very late with my agenda because of the busy traveling. I got a puppy for my b-day and I am spending most of my time with him. So I am sorry for taking time to answer... if there is date of the shoot pls put that into the subject..."

That puppy is a lucky dog.

So here's the thing. Jenni loves my photos and wants to work with me bad. Only problem? It's not convenient for her to fly across the ocean just to shoot with me one weekend. Plus, she desrcibed to me in detail why another modeling tour of the US is not practical for her right now and won't be for some time. So I basically have to sweep this girl off her feet or it's nothing at all. If you could, would you fly this girl out from the Czech Republic?


Well-Known Member
Hell if I had the money id fly her over to aus just so me and flowa could watch her strut around my lounge room while we sample each others buds lol. So yes if you have the coin. Shes a stunner for sure


Well-Known Member
Hell if I had the money id fly her over to aus just so me and flowa could watch her strut around my lounge room while we sample each others buds lol. So yes if you have the coin. Shes a stunner for sure
Yeah, I'd fly this chick out to the moon if I had to. Okay, she INSISTED that we stay in touch, so I'm gonna have to get to work on project Jenni.

I haven't shot a blonde since Mosh. I think Jenni would be a stunning blonde update for my body of work.

And check this out. Jenni is extremely well educated:

"I always put the accent on education. I attended Gymnasium in Pilsen (school-leaving exam: math, chemistry, czech language and german language), I attended University in Pilsen - Faculty of Economy, and after lot of sacrifices, in June 2008 I graduated and became Economics Engineer - what means the same like MSc. in the US."

Okay, this chick is probably smarter than I am. Makes me want her that much more. 1200 round trip Prague to LA. What's the big deal, right?


Well-Known Member
i dont really want alot from my camera and im fairly happy with my point and shoot for most things. its just auto focus really shits me. its fine for landscapes etc but sometimes if there is a particular feature you really want to highlight. a bug or a bird etc sometimes auto focus just doesnt agree and thinks that big leaf off to the left is more interesting and you completely miss the moment.
lookin good jin!! it was hard to see that little girl between that mighty jungle on the right lol!!

2 easy, if you find that sometimes the camera focusses on the wrong thing, find a cam that ha 'select focus' this allows you to move the focus reticule and choose what section to focus on, very handy for trick photography where you want something close to the lens but have the foreground in focus instead. can have a very cool effect, which reminds me, i may give that a go with my samsung tonight. Spending 1000 on a cam? not my thing.... only to find there will be something 10 times better in less than 1 year. Technology is moving at such a rapid rate anything you buy these days will be obsolete in mere months.

Those damn iphones, soon you'll need the damn things to put petrol in your car. or feed you. or suck you off. Stupid fukin apples.


Well-Known Member
It is most definitely NOT the kind, gentle love-fest that RIU is.

I can't stand photographers. Ugh. Gimme a pot grower over a photographer any day... any day I say.


Well-Known Member
I mean, the photographers have such huge, fragile egos. And they tend to live in a fantasy world. Things I would know nothing about.

Last time I got thrown in jail for starting a fight over the ring flash. So stupid.

This time a photographer was all butt hurt that a model thought he was an amateur because he only uses natural light outdoors. (Note the up-ties I applied to the lower branches.)

So all these other photographers jump on the bandwagon and call this model an idiot because he questioned the lack of strobes.

Look, I'm no fan of male models, but there were like four pages of different people shitting on this model, so I actually stuck up for him!

Long story short, I got into my usual smart-ass mode (something y'all wouldn't know anything about LOL) and threw out a few choice zingers. But man, I got out of there in a hurry. Don't want to do clink time again.


Well-Known Member
there wasn't much of any reaction to my Norell posts. Which is just as well. I don't think she's all too keen on entering my evil, nude lair. Besides, who can think of anything but Stephanie and now Jenni? Not me.


Well-Known Member
Oh, yeah. These are just like Tahoe one. I let PM hit that one, though. Trying my best to avoid it this round.

They actually smell better than Tahoe, though.

Here's the little one finally getting a bit of the treatment herself. Y'know what? I think it's going to be okay. Smaller plant will remain smaller, but it's good and healthy, so it should contribute to the yield.


Active Member
So Jin how were you able to extract the girl of my dreams from my mind and put of pics of her on RIU? I'd buy her a ticket right now, this very second & she could move in for free if she's interested in gaining US citizenship through marriage ;)

Her only part of the deal would be to perform standard wifey duties and i'll pay all the bills and whatnot LOL