Louie XIII OG in Dual Monster Plant System (3rd Scrog)

Lemon OG popcorn. Having a hard time not snacking on it.

Hey LJ - 10 Months later - Trimmed, Dried and Available at Rite Greens!



Smoke Report:

This is from a ground up early bud jarred for three weeks, then machine-rolled as a bomber doobie, rolled two weeks ago for a patient who was overwhelmed and we stopped. Had a couple hits from it on Thanksgiving and had a great time! No migrane (which are always triggered by Thanksgiving) :)

It was now a two week old half doobie.

First hit smooth - wasn't sure it was lit. Second hit - the roof of my mouth goes numb. Third hit - lips go numb where they touch the doob. Two more hits and it goes out on its own - after two weeks it is still to gooey to stay lit!


Got very chatty and had a great time watching DaVinci Code. Had trouble falling asleep - very speedy but in the mind not in the heart. Definitly a morning medicine for use when you need to get things done.

Rollability - Grinds easily and has a nice waxy consistency that does not clump and it is not dry or crumbly.
Taste - No taste - almost undetectable. Numbs mouth.
Expansion - Big hits do not cause any coughing.
Head - High and euphoric. Not trippy at this dose (most I have tried so far).

Go get some and let me know what you think.

New thread alert! New thread alert!