Love Isn’t Love Without GOD; for God is Love, Right(?)


New Member

Love Isn’t Love Without GOD; for God is Love, Right(?)

Any Love that has to Deny God, or Doesn’t Realize God as It’s Essence; Is Either Premature or Immature or False or Limited or Limiting.

Jesus Christ is Right.


Well-Known Member
ya um...can you PROVE to me he was real or IS real? hardcore evidence. then you can post all u want about this so called God of urs. And another thing, i hate how people worship JESUS AND GOD yet they say there should only be one god and he is the one u should worship. Whos to say that hes not made up and that you should be praying to someone else.....this is why im Agnostic


Well-Known Member
I've loved and been loved my whole life. Not once have I ever considered the existence of a God.
Jesus Christ was a guy. I can't argue that. :lol:


This arguement fails on many levels. For instance, we have logic reversal:"if P then Q - if God is love" gets turned into "Q therefore P - love cannot exist without God". Might as well say "If space creatures were kidnapping people and examining them, the space creatures would erase the memories of the people they examined, giving them amnesia. Therefore, anybody who suffers from amnesia has been kidnapped by space creatures".

You're also ignoring all of the most reasonable explanations. This makes the desired (perhaps unreasonable) explanation into the only one. For example: "My plants were perfectly fine yesterday. Today, many buds are missing. Clearly, my grow was visited by fairies."


Well-Known Member
My dog can't comprehend "God". Does he not love me?
Maybe your dog is God and he loves you very much. :lol:
I can't even pretend to sound like a religious zealot ...I can't talk about God and keep a straight face! To me it's like trying to have a serious conversation about unicorns. :mrgreen:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Guys, this guy preaches all the time, and trying to have a conversation of any intelligence with him is futile.He comes on a marijuana site to post sermons, after all.:roll:
God is an idea
love is a known fact

One can experience great levels of love without knowledge of the existence of god. But the concept is relative.


Well-Known Member
The Abrahamic god is genocide, rape, slavery, torture, and many other unpleasant things.
What's not to love? Ick.

The irony is that all those traits are forgotten because of one man who claimed to be his son so that the rules of that god could be done away with.

A religion built on turning its back on itself.



Active Member
George Carlin said in his last Show "It's all bullshit and it's all bad for you"... Smart and funny..... Peace


Well-Known Member
If there actually were an afterlife or ghosts, you know Carlin would have come back here to give us the skinny on the situation.
ya um...can you PROVE to me he was real or IS real? hardcore evidence. then you can post all u want about this so called God of urs. And another thing, i hate how people worship JESUS AND GOD yet they say there should only be one god and he is the one u should worship. Whos to say that hes not made up and that you should be praying to someone else.....this is why im Agnostic
personally im a christian and i smoke a decent amount of pot. much of what the more denominated sanctums preach a message that does not encourage marijuana because its what the government wants. they are manipulated and told that marijuana is wrong, and because it is illegal, that must mean that it is wrong and sinful to smoke pot...but where in the bible does it say that smoking pot is wrong? (it doesnt. actually its stated in the bible that "a plant to heal all nations") If jesus turned water into wine and alcohol is legal in 99% of countries around the world, then why would God not want us to enjoy this natural gift that he put on earth? Not to try and dis you NeoAnarchist but it sounds like you need to get your facts straight:peace: