Love Triangle Problem

lol trust me i have enjoyed my hip, an i dont plan on growin up anymore than i am now cause i like it, im happy for the most part an shitt ive had a hard life, its time for a lil playtime with shitt


Well-Known Member
well as a fellow juggalo, i wish i had advice for you, but shit i haven't even listened to anything psychopathic since i was 22 (only 3 years ago but still) and frankly iam just not in the mindset anymore. as for you having a hard childhood/life i feel you there. that's how most juggalos/lettes get into that scene to begin with, other troubled teens who they can relate to.

unfortunately, and i don't mean this as an insult, i grew up and realized ICP just wasn't my thing anymore. don't get me wrong i still even listen to some Twizted, Dark Lotus, and hell some Blaze, but ICP by themselves just don't do it for me anymore. part of that growing up came with a few things, one i don't wear those holey baggy jeans out of Hot Topic with a faded Riddlebox shirt and goofy hairdo. two, i found that escaping that scene put me in touch with some more adult people that again, i could relate to at this new point in my life, and caused me to learn some more valuable lessons that my thug friends had never figured out, so therefore could never teach (i.e. holding a job, not spending 6 out of 7 days a week stealing and staying high on CCC's).

the other thing i learned was that having an open relationship like that in which you are trying to save (a bf and gf at the same time) is NEVER a good idea. no matter how much each person says they are ok with it, chances are they have a preference for one of the people involved, and aren't saying so because they don't want to upset them or hurt their feelings. In the end, and especially as you age, you will find that there is no room in a healthy relationship for a third person, male or female. adding a third only takes that much more attention away from the other person, and frankly if you truly love someone, you want to give them your undivided attention and not have to share your time.

just my take though, rock on Lette and good luck!


Well-Known Member
oh and dont listen to the haters either. ANOTHER thing that came with my aging was the realization that i dont need to judge people on the way they look, or the music they listen to (i am proud to say that i no longer dispise people who listen to Eminem, and can even stand to hear some of his music, ONCE IN A WHILE lol).
iam not going to tell anyone on here not to judge you for the things you DO. your actions are what make you an individual, not your music preference.

and again, i say this moreso to Logzz, but yes lying stealing and cheating are CORE elements to most juggalos and juggalettes, why? because MOST juggalos and juggalettes ARE TEENAGERS, and thats what teenagers do, they dont have the benefit of years of experience like some of us do. But that still doesnt give you the right to judge them (i say them not her, she is talking here about what she does, not what she listens to, therefore anyone is free to judge those actions, in fact being on a forum talking about it INVITES it). to judge someone simply because of what they like to listen to, or anything else that is really only a form of entertainment for them, is absolutely ridiculous at best, and to do so would only make yourself look smaller and even more immature than they.
I think you need to be having this discussion with both your current bf and current gf at the same time. Emphasize how u luv em both...and ask them for help in working this situation out. Being open...talkin like humans and being sensitive to everyones feelings is the only way outta this mess.
yea i understand that =) i have talked to them an were finally ok now, i kno at one point were all prolly gonna break up but hell thats ways aways an im just gonna let shitt happen till then, im not messin wit the past or future, im in the here an now. lol im glad im not like those los/lettes that aint able to hold a job, ive had the same one for a good while now, im a tattoo artist an i do piercings an i make nice money offa it. yea i kno its weird but i kno my soul lies with the ink, thanks for all the advice tho