Love your plants?


Well-Known Member
Ok this might sound a bit whacky but:

Do you talk to your plants to make them grow faster?
Do you play music to your plants to make them grow faster?
Do you send love vibes to your plants to make them grow faster?
Do you encourage your plants to become female by giving them female names or refering to them as "she" or "her"?

I named one of my Sensi Skunk plants Lucy. The other 10 Nirvana Northern Lights seedlings havn't been named yet. I sleep in the same room as them so they all absorb my CO2 which I breath out at night.
yeah I'll be pissed off if Lucy turns out to be a gay-boy.

2nd gen, sorry to hear about your 2 deaths today. may they rest in peace ;-)
thanks. i just realized that i may have to give up more of my babies..i dont have the money to be able to raise that many plants. .but they will be going to a good home. . i hope:cry: