LoveBugs? Are they Harmful to My Plants?

RooR RippeR

Active Member
Every time i go to check on my plants i always see at least 2 or 3 lovebugs on my girls and even baby ones! I guess the reason they get in there is because they are right outside from I'm growing at. Does anyone know if they are harmful to my girls?
so lovebugs like to eat plants and ive seen some eaten up spots on my leaves. what should i do? will they eat my buds?
I thought at least some of you guys would know what a lovebug is, lol. but yea ive researched everywhere whether if they are harmful to cannabis plants but it seems to me my problem is the first one.
Lady Bugs are voracious eaters. They will strip your plants of insects of all types, including the dreaded Borg … spider mites. We love them at our nursery. They handle everything small they can get near and for larger things the Preying Mantis do a pretty darn good job at nibbling away at those sorts of things.
Lady Bugs are voracious eaters. They will strip your plants of insects of all types, including the dreaded Borg … spider mites. We love them at our nursery. They handle everything small they can get near and for larger things the Preying Mantis do a pretty darn good job at nibbling away at those sorts of things.

Lovebugs and ladybugs aren't the same thing.............genius!:dunce:
I found this--doesn't look like they would be harmful. There was no mention of consuming plant matter, just sipping nectar.

These insects are actually flies (Diptera) of the family Bibionidae, having the scientific name, Plecia nearctica Hardy. The common name "lovebug" has been given to these black colored, orange-backed flies because they are most often seen flying around in mating pairs.

Lovebug larvae breed in moist habitats high in organic matter such as bar ditches and swampy areas. They are harmless as immatures and actually help nature by decomposing dead plant tissues. Mass adult emergence occurs during specific periods of the year as dictated by environmental conditions (prolonged period soil saturation from rains) conducive to their development. Adults spend their time sipping nectar from flowers and searching for mates and mating while hovering in the air. It has been thought that car fumes contained some properties that were attractive to these flies, but they are naturally attracted to open spaces within their generally wooded habitats.
but something has to explain the missing pieces from the fan leaves. it has to be the lovebug because its the only bug i see in my box.
I'm having the exact same problem..its love bug season here in Fl,and they are a pain in the ass.its the only insect around my plants at the moment and I'm finding holes in my leaves..
I can't beleave y'all don't get love bugs.we get the by the million's down this way.