Love's First Grow - 600w MH/HPS - 3 Juicy Fruit


Well-Known Member
Urine all around as far as my pH color goes! I've got good news and bad news.

Good news I got new clones! From left to right they are Skunk #1, Hawaiian, White Widow x Trainwreck. They're doing awesome, I can already see them growing and their roots are starting to peek out the bottom of the net pots!

Bad news is I over nuted my Juicy Fruits. They've got the tip burn and are looking a little wilty. I discovered that I'd been WAY under feeding them and the step up to real nutes seems to have shocked them a little. I flushed them and backed off the nutrients. We'll see how they come out...anyone know how how long I should expect them to take to bounce back from this?

Here's pics of the new clones, I'll post pics of the big plants tomorrow if they're still having issues.



Active Member
if your goin back to the correct nutes you should see healthy new growth and the wilting will stop in a few days.
same thing happened with my wonderwoman.
the clones look good what club do you go to? or do you get them privatly


Well-Known Member
Yea I diluted everything by half and they don't seem to be looking any worse (2 are decent, 1 is worse than the other 2) The stronger 2 look almost like they're ready to bounce back and the roughest one is at least stable. Hopefully in a day or 2 they'll be back on track.

The clones came from a kid that works at a club in Breck. The clones thing isn't associated with the club (as far as I can tell) so I won't mention the name on here. Not sure if he does this on the side or what, but he's legit legal-wise (checking paperwork, etc). If you want I can PM you his number. He's not secretive or anything (I mean he's got an ad on Craigslist) but I don't wanna throw specifics out here in the general public ya know? I agree though, they look BOMB!


Well-Known Member
So I've got my 600w MH 14" off the tops of my plants. The temp on the thermometer on the tops of the DWC buckets reads right at 74 with the light on. My light isn't too close is it? I've been under the impression that you want the light the closest you can get and not burn the plants. Is this correct? I've got plenty of room to move the light up if I need to, but I was concerned about stretch.

Whatcha think?


Active Member
far as the light question your fine ive read alot tat 12 to 14 inches is perfect. and with a 600 watt thats plenty of light to they wont stretch.
im pretty sure they stretch on the cfls cuz of the low power.


Well-Known Member
Good things today!

Roots have finally come out of the net pots a good ways.
Plants have bounced back from the over-nute
Clones are looking great, growing, and developing nice roots
Temp is officially dialed in
pH is dialed in - the solution was exactly the solution to my pH testing problem I was looking for

I did a little LST on 2 of the girls today, all 3 are looking tons better, lots of fresh growth. As soon as my Ginormous comes in at the hydro store I'm gonna flip the MH to HPS and throw the Juicy Fruits into 12/12.

I'll get some pics up later tonight when I get off work. Clones, Juicys, and my first roots!
hi there, iv grown 4 blue cheese plants in my dr180 grow tent, and i will b very honest i managed to pull 26 oz of them in 10 week. heres how 2 i all start by makin myself & my garden very clean. plants dont like dirt. iv got a 600w light 3ft tank and tray with constant water flow. (hydro) i start with 18/6 thats a must.remember there just like us they breath. so therefor just like us they need there sleep. so make sure they get it. keep your light (600) around 18inchs away. try keep the tent temp at around 80degrees f. between 26&no hotter than 29c never let the tempgo below 15 out side the tent whenlights off. keep ph at 6.2 or lime green 2 look at. remember blues bad. lime green good. and yellow 2 weak. you can start 2 trick them into flowerin when they reach 2 and a half feet. changin the light to 12/12 make sure when the plants are in there dark time they get total darkness and left alone for the 12 hours (thats a MUST). leave the fans on 24/7 stop any nasty bud rot. when they have been in flower for about 15 day empty your tank and give it a good wash out ( just hot clear water rub it with clean hands really good then rinse out good then do your fed for them. THEY WILL LOVE U FOR THAT. try and do that every 15 to 20 days and you will get a very clean smoke. play music to your garden they love. alway remember LESS STRESS IS BEST. i hope this will help all yous out there. any probs just ask me day or night. good luck.:-P


Well-Known Member
Thanks for some good info there Scottish. At the moment I'm thankful to have everything dialed in. All I have to do is hang out until the next res change ( probably Wednesday) and watch the ladies grow! If you're putting 2.5ft plants into flower you must be producing trees!!

Here's the pics I promised... a day later

1 clones
2 sides of clones
3 itty bitty roots peeking out! the middle one is the Hawaiian and it was the youngest of the 3 and so the last to show roots peeking
4,5,6 Juicy Fruit, still a little yellow from the nute shock but greening up nicely by the day, I think the worse is behind us!
7 roots!!!

Any idea why the leaves on the middle clone are starting to show some yellow? Is it hungry? It had 2 small yellow spots that are kind of starting to grow



Active Member
with clones you wanna start light on nutes if any.
i i used a 1/4 nute mix for a fresh seedling just t see and it turned a lighter green.
clones have been shocked and dont have the traditional root system that seedlings do so id be careful untill it get established


Well-Known Member
Yeeeea I've kinda decided to let it play itself out. None of the other leaves or the other 2 plants seem to be showing anything similar to it so I'm just gonna assume it's doing it's own thing and let it be. Someone should write a song about that...... ha!

Right so the roots are blowing up on the 3 Juicy Fruits. Pretty stoked about that. I'll get some pics up later

Might be adding a friend as a patient in the next few weeks which would double the number of plants I can legally have. Certainly more work, but I'm up for the challenge!


Active Member
they look real nice tho
and jesus what kind of air stone do you use i have like 10% of the bubbles you have lol


Well-Known Member
The cheap blue ones everyone says you shouldn't! (2) 8" air stones in each bucket, each bucket has it's own 2 port pump running them. Clone rack is the same way only it has 6" air stones. Every res change I take one of those green scrubbers and give each stone a good scrubbing to get off any buildup. It takes a bit of the stone off too, but since I plan to replace the air stones each grow I don't really care, and they bubble like mad! I plan to upgrade to some diffusers at some point though.


Active Member
Nice update, Good to see the JF rebounding and clone roots gotta be the best feeling in the world. I wouldnt know... The LST bondage is super kinky. Good for you picking up a patient thats awsome and will bring many blessings. Whats a Difuser?


Well-Known Member
So I know they're not the most impressive thing in the world, but this is my first root porn so I'm excited. It's only gonna get better from here!



Active Member
so are you LST them?
ive never tried it before do you just keep tying the plant top down?
and what does it do exactly?