Low Budget First Grow--Need Feedback


Well-Known Member
They seem to be growing from the light at a rate that is great for me. Although a better light would be nice, it is expensive. Also, I would need a bigger space than what I have to control the heat. I'm just concerned with the rooting of the clones ( I dipped clones in rooting hormone) and can I flower using a Veg nute setup.
I am not saying you need to buy a more expensive light, buying a few more CFL's would make a big difference, and for what a bubble cloner will cost to make you could get at least one more light, and more likely two more. Trust me, your biggest bottleneck is your light. Don't worry about stuff like cloning till you have more light, especially considering that you can clone in a cup of water. As far as flowering, you typically use a different ratio of npk.

Also, I'm not sure how versatile your pump setup is, but I would consider setting it up so they are only getting watered every day or two (or less). MJ likes to get nice and dry before being drenched again. My plants can go as long as 4-5 days between waterings depending on how hot it is here, when I water I really drench them, saturate the soil very well. They do very well with this watering regiment. I think your leaf issues are a combination of things, but nute burn would be #1 on my list of culprets since it doesn't sound like you ramped up the dosage, and with an auto drip system running that often you might be releasing them faster than you think.

Mr. Weash

I have two other flowering lights at 300 watts a piece. They get really hot so I alternate sometimes leaving one of and the other on. I use my CFL strictly for my mothers. I am running a constant slow drip onto the rockwool inside the netty pots for my DWC. I figured since I used a low dose of nutes, that a constant water drip would be ok. Plus it gets so dry in the flowering room from the bulbs. My mothers are doing fine with the CFL.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
You may find your clones taking really long to root..using a drip with DWC...the rockwool should be damp to the touch but not soaked. I've had to go as far as weighing a dry cube, than soak it overnight, than shake out excess water until I reach twice the dry weight. At that point its almost dry...you need to make the clone look for water.

Your 300w flowering lights, are they CFL's also?


Active Member
My first grow was under cfl. Be creative. Basement, attick, any old light fixtures. I robbed my parents basements of old lights and stuff. Dis assemle them so its just a socket and cord.

Mr. Weash

My flowering lights are not CFLs. Its an oversized clear light bulb that was $4. I have two of them but only run one due to the heat. I switched the watering schedule from constant flow to only watering when the lights are on. I also filled the reservoir up until in hits the bottom of the netty pots. I thought they may have been getting too much water and nutes from the brown stain on the rockwool. I havn't seen my plants in almost a week now but I will see them tomorrow and post pics.
Should I expect to see roots when I get there?
Is changing the watering system a good idea?