low budget grow room= great results


I started the majority of these plants on aug 5. Only with the lights you see in the picture, a lil potting soil, a lil food and bam they growing great! Just thought i would post pictures and see if I can get any opinions. Also I plan on adding two more FLC's and I just switched the lights back yesterday. Its a longer process but if i'm beingpatient and takin my time and letting them grow. Any advise?DSCF0002.jpgDSCF0003.jpgDSCF0004.jpgDSCF0005.jpgDSCF0006.jpgDSCF0007.jpgDSCF0008.jpgDSCF0009.jpg


Active Member
CDs should be closer to your plants to give your plants enough light. Most of the light from your cold dissipates after a few inches


I have to adjust my lights almost daily and I rotate them as needed. The room is warm if not hot most of the day, which is why i keep the door open (unless i'm in there, the pit bull decided it was ok to eat my bushyiest plant today :( ). I don't know how many more light I will need or how much more I can do other than get the lights closer. Is there anyway to speed up the process? If not oh well.


Active Member
do u have fans? i would use a fan to pull hot air outside your door. i would get a cheap bulb if i was you. u can get a used ballasts for 75 bucks and a hps or mh bulb 400w for like 25 bucks. that would make your life much easier


Well-Known Member
i dont think i would use the word "great". multiply your lights by 5-6x and you might be able to say that.


Like I said I would If i had a higher budget BUT i don't. The next grow I have I will be able to upgrade all my equipment. Other than adding more money into the setup are there any ideas?


I have one fan that cirulates the air pretty good. The halidide I have in there puts off alot of heat so about 5 hours a day the door is open. It seems to keep the tempature decent. Also are they really ready to change the light cycle?


Well-Known Member
Great results, dude! Just look at those 10 inches between nodes and a few leaves! Awesome
But seriously, next time 1 plant per pot. And just grow outdoors it's 10 times better if you don't have money.


Ok, I would have grown outdoors if the season wasn't supposed to end soon. I'm sorry that I don't have the money to get lights at the moment. This is just a crop enough to smoke and a little to get rid of so I CAN afford to get better lights and actually have a huge harvest! On my budget, I think its great that I got that! Its also my first growth so please be honest but gentle :) I'm adding 5 more FLC's today, that's alll the lights I am able to get at the moment. Is there anything else I can do to make my growing better?


Well-Known Member
Don't take it too hard, I mean, we just don't want you to be growing tiny ass plants, that are wasting your time, but for a first grow, just hold tight.
I'd like to know what is the ACTUAL overall wattage of the lights you have there. Keep them 2-3 inches from tops of plant and you can put some on the sides too.
maybe cues meant a streetlight? If you have ladders, climb up and steal it :DDD


rofl!!! thats great lol. I understand that my grow isn't going to be "great" but i'm trying. I adjusted my lights to three inches above them and about to add more lights today. I will post back with the actual wattage of all the lights asap. I'm really trying to get this grow out of the way that way I can put more money into my grow systems. I figure I will have enough out of these to put a coupla hundred into my lighting system and my output would be alot better and I will have bigger yeilds and better smoke. I don't have any issues for heat signatures or smell (im in the middle of no where, literally). After I can get a few ounces out of these what type of lights would work the best. Also as large as these pots are; why can't I put about five per pot?


Well-Known Member
out of a what? I'm doing the best I can. I don't know anything else I can do.
It was a local park next to a car park and they uprated a light for the public and threw the old one in a skip!
Got a conversion bulb for £20 and it runs MH and HPS,

If you're in the middle of nowhere, stick with what you're doing, learn to clone and spend winter getting your next set of plants ready to go outside.

We only grow indoors because we have to. If you have the climate and the space save the money.

I wish I could.


The only advantages of living out here is people don't go looking for you and don't assume anything if they smell something. The HUGE disadvantage is we have alot of outdoor growers and alot of people looking for outdoor grows. I would like to do outdoor and indoor grow because of the strands I want to grow. But i'm a perfection addict. I want everything to be the best it possibly can be. I really wish it were a different time of the year beacuse I would use my outdoor grow to fund my indoor and have ALOT more smoke :)


Well-Known Member
Look for high wattage CFL's. Dont go by their equivilant watts go by the real watts, 100watt equivalent cfl is 26watts.

You want to shoot for 50watts(real watts)/plant, with 75-150watts/plant for flowering. Look into "Y" splitters for bulbs and the plug in sockets. You need a mass amount of CFL's to get anything worth selling becuase most of the time the bud's come out light and fluffy. Buy a box of 10 26watt CFls, 5 "Y" sockets and 5 plug in sockets and a power bar for now it shouldnt be more than $30-40bucks max and then do the same in a few more weeks.

Plug in light socket