low budget grow room= great results


Well-Known Member
To be honest man, no offense of course, but u won't get enough bud off those plants to sell or smoke.. the 70's livingroom light hanging upside down is useless and there's not enough light in that whole area to bud one plant with "great" results. As to the 6 or so plants in one pot..they'll b rootbound in a matter of weeks.! wait til u accumulate enough money to buy a high pressure sodium light. idk where u live by craigslist is flooded with 400w highbay hps and mh lamps for $30-40 bucks a piece..good luck


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's a start but that's all.
Still, we all started somewhere.
Build it up as you can, where you can afford it and look for deals.
Don't blow the cash you save on weed. Spend it on updating.
Going this route means it takes a while BUT you learn a lot along the way (if you read up on here). Learning to clone is a big money saver.
The biggest danger is you an end up spending cash on things that become useless (extraction fans is THE classic IMO, bite the bullet and get a 6" to start IMO, if you don't need it now, you will later and the 4" you bought to save $50 will end up in the bin along with the ducting and filter)
With the cfl's, keep going. Later on, they could be used for a veg/cloning cupboard when you upgrade.
It takes a while BUT, put it this way.
Over the course of the last 2 years growing my own again, I reckon I have saved 3K+ in total by not buying weed. I have now downgraded to just my veg cab (250w) as that's all i need (I don't sell) and have a 600w kit now left unused that has cost me nothing. My weed and all my veggies for the garden/my bonsai chilli hobby cost me somewhere in the region of 50p a day.


Thank you cues! I understand its goin to take a while to get built up. I'm slowly updating daily. adding new ideas and new lights ect. I just added one more halogen light which is 75 watts. I know they aren't good for the cost of electricity but if I was goin to use it outside my as well use it inside for my plants.
Question: if I have 6- 75 watt halogens would that be a better idea than using all the clf's? They put off alot of heat which is ok because i'm venting it out. I've also added two more cfl's today.


Well-Known Member
do u have fans? i would use a fan to pull hot air outside your door. i would get a cheap bulb if i was you. u can get a used ballasts for 75 bucks and a hps or mh bulb 400w for like 25 bucks. that would make your life much easier
or you can get a brand new 400w grow light with the bulb for $120 from htgsupply.com shippings a bitch but if you got a store near by thats what I use for veg but I'm sure you can find cheaper ones on ebay. I wouldn't buy a used ballast myself someone could have been running that thing 24/7 for 5 years.


Well-Known Member
Lights for growing.
CFL's (check kelvin rating fo flower or veg)
Flourescent tubes (similar with kelvin, never bothered myself, too expensive)
Metal halide or HPS. Best by far.


Well-Known Member
i also have a mh from htg ,cheap too will save you ALOT of headaches, look up low stress training (LST) HIGHLY recommend it,unless you had a 1000, anyway,try n learn the science behind lighting n spectrums instead of tossing a bunch of light bulbs,id honestly throw those outside,if u cant get a HID, BLUE is for veg 6500k. RED/yellow is for bloom 3000k .T5 bulbs are great for veg, and if your plants look super lanky its cuz there not getting enough light,and there trying to stretch for it

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
I'm sure you can tell from some of the responses that your yield will be small, but that aside you will have learned some good things, too. You can use the "Y" sockets like previously posted and "real watt" CFL to improve your lot....or you can re-evaluate a budget for next time. The more expensive ones would be OK from the get go:
http://www.plantlightinghydroponics.com/compact-fluorescent-lamps-c-73_443.html use as reference, not an endorsement

The veg cycle is very important because it sets up all the sites you hope to flower. Good luck with this grow, learn a lot, and have some fun!!


Well-Known Member
Actually it was very well deserved post.
Adults usually start out with smarter setups...