low budget plant is dying


New Member

So i've been growing this plant for a little over a month in my window. There was 7 days in a row with nothing but sun, it grew amazingly fast in that period of time. Now it's been rainy for around a week, and the leafs started turning brown and get really dry. I figured I over-nutrient it, so I decided to get new soil and use a bit less water and no nutriens at all for some weeks. I decided to cut off all the dead leafs so the rest of the plant could get the water instead of it getting wasted. Is it ever going to flower, and can I save the plant? I don't have money or space for any lightning or boxing. I attached some photos.



Well-Known Member
hi, first off all i dont want to sound all high and mighty but have you grown before? or done some research? to be honest im amazed at how good the plant looks up till now, the thing is as a plant grows its needs change, you have some old nute burn showing, and as far as the leaves turning light green it could be deficiencies or ph that is unstable the list goes on, but instead of people telling you whats wrong i think if you can provide some basics then youll see a difference, you say you cant afford lighting etc, have you thought of cfl lighting like the bulbs you get in your house, cheap to buy and run, as for a "box" in your situation id use anything like even hardboard or plasterboard, things you can get hold of for free even better a chest of draws etc, you could set up a box for like 20 pounds or so, your plant needs light proberly more then it needs nutes,, yet again i stress read up, if i was you with the plant id get a ph kit a cheap fluid drop one for a couple of pounds, water the plants test your run off, get your ph right, then look at your soil see what the npk is (some provide enough feed for a few weeks) then feed as needed, get some light on her then sit back and watch her respond! as far as flowering goes youd want her to be a lot more settled then it is now, if you try to flower her whilst having the probs you got its gonna get worse, to flower they need to be switched to 12 hour light 12 hour pure darkness, then it will go into flower, basically read up then read some more, and theres loads of people who have been there and will offer better advice then me, look at cfl grows, ph, soil, get comfy with that then temperatures, air etc youll pick it up though,
good luck


New Member
I've never grown before! This is my first attempt. I have a 1x1x1 meter table I'll try and use. I will cover all the sides and the top with alufoil and try a CFL bulb. How many watts do I need? 250W? What color?


Active Member
If youre going cfl you want two bulbs. One 2600K (flowering) and one 6400K (veg). Just remember to get a reflector. You want as much light as possible directed at the lady. Also you should read a little about soil mixture and some basics regarding nutes. Honestly it doesnt have to cost much, but i recommend you teach yourself enough to understand what makes the plant grow ;)

Ps. 250W cfl should cover about 60x60cm.

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Well-Known Member
I would recommend not using Foil it causes hot spots. If you can use ol white paint instead.


Well-Known Member
there used to be a diy section in the forums, if moneys tight you can get some good ideas from there, be amazed at what people can make out of household items!! if its not about you can google etc for things like diy reflector etc etc


Active Member
Just regular white paint? My walls are already plain white
If you enclose your grow with white walls (yep, normal flat white paint) it will reflect a lot more light back from your CFL than if you just leave it uncovered and let your room walls do the job.

I would say too, if you get sunny days, let it have some direct sunlight as one or two standard household CFL lamps isn't going to do much.

Good luck, I really respect your grow method - it's just a plant after all, you can grow plants without all the fancy expensive kit! Of course, don't go getting your hopes up for a decent smokable harvest, just treat it like a hobby plant and if you get some free buds off it then great stuff :D

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Get the CFL's and put it on 12/12d.
I'd also get a hygrometer that's permanantly stuck in the plantpot so you'll get to have a better idea on watering.
Place something under the plantpot so the roots can't saturate in the run off water held by the catch pan.
When you water be sure you water to a point of seeing run off.
If you are going to use NPK read the instructions and split the dosage up so it equals the dosage at the alotted times. It is better to give them a little with each watering than to give them a full dose every so often then watering.