Low humidity in drying?


Active Member
My plant is currently hanging up to dry. I am having trouble getting the RH over 30% though- I do not have any kind of humidifier so I put a big bowl of water in the bottom of my drying box as well as a wet towel so hopefully it starts going up. The temperature is good though, around 65 and never above 70. Will the lower temp hopefully counteract the low humidity, so the bud doesn't dry out too fast? Or should I add even more water to raise the humidity?


Well-Known Member
If you didnt cut the plant into sections or cut leaves off you really should be ok. Personally i am reticent to place wet anything near my drying buds.


Active Member
If you didnt cut the plant into sections or cut leaves off you really should be ok. Personally i am reticent to place wet anything near my drying buds.
I cut it into individual branches, I didn't trim absolutely everything off, I left a little leaf, but all of the fan leaves are gone. That's kind of why I asked, I want to get the humidity up but I don't want to oversaturate my dry box with water Edit: That and I dropped a branch in the water yesterday. Fucking frustrating.


New Member
You need your RH initially above 50 at the least .. Hanging wet towels will raise the RH quick but you must rotate them often with new clean ones in order to avoid mildew and mold growth..


Active Member
So the plants have been drying for a little less than 3 days, and all the small buds are dry on the outside (according to my friend/accomplice, I'm out of town overnight) so he put them in jars. I'm a little weary that its been such a short time, is this normal? I'm hoping it wasn't the humidity, I got it up to 35% before I left which I know is low but it was all I could do


Active Member
If its just small popcorn then is say 3 days sounds about right.
Yeah, it was mostly small nugs. The plant itself is basically one giant cola, and some small/medium nugs. I only took pictures of the big nug but you can see the small ones in the background.



After a night in the jar the humidity will probably shoot up to around 85%. Some people put it into a paper bag at that point to slow dry it to jar level. Good luck.