Low-Information Leadership.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Why is it that all of the posts by the left leaning dudes in this thread are devoid of any and all substantive engagement?
Hmmm... puff... puff??
The Obamacrack is wearing off and they don't know what to do about all the BS they have spewed to the public..Dam near everything that comes out of the democratic machine right now is a lie that has to cover up the next lie...BarryO is turning america into Detroit...When BarryO said change he was not fucking around...


Well-Known Member
Says the fellow who asked a question devoid of any substance or meaning.
So you were unable to perceive any points raised in the OP?
Seems to me that you require some help understanding that many US citizens have serious and specific misgivings as to the the lack of real world, hands on experience exhibited by the POTUS..


His record of failure speaks for itself.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
You literally said a bunch of nothing, written by a biased conservative, devoid of all the facts.

What do you mean zero real world experience? Are you saying President Obama had zero experience as a President prior to becoming President?
Playing ostrich is not helpful to your cause.
Obama has never run anything other than his mouth with even a scintilla of success.
But you blithely ignore his hapless flailing and think that this is a-ok because GWB was such a lying dummy?


Well-Known Member
Playing ostrich is not helpful to your cause.
Obama has never run anything other than his mouth with even a scintilla of success.
But you blithely ignore his hapless flailing and think that this is a-ok because GWB was such a lying dummy?
Not true at all. And your racism is starting to show. But I will glaze over that for now.

I'm actually quite upset with the way the administration has handled corporate regulation and governance, and this bullshit he is trying to pull with Class III firearm regulations by forcing Gun Trusts to be more heavily regulated is not winning him any points.

But what you are arguing is that Obamacare is going to drive the country into the ground. Which you and I both know is total bullshit. All you can come up with is that he runs his mouth without a "scintilla of success". You my friend are the ostrich without a fucking mirror.


Well-Known Member
But what you are arguing is that Obamacare is going to drive the country into the ground.
No, you misconstrue, he will most assuredly and adeptly run HIMSELF into the ground.

This is happening right under your nose, and yet you are too blind to see it.


Well-Known Member
No, you misconstrue, he will most assuredly and adeptly run HIMSELF into the ground.

This is happening right under your nose, and yet you are too blind to see it.
Sure, why not. It's his last term. But at the end of the day, we are still "stuck" with Obamacare. Let's get it to work right instead of crying about it.


Well-Known Member
Sure, why not. It's his last term. But at the end of the day, we are still "stuck" with Obamacare. Let's get it to work right instead of crying about it.
Well, actually, I find myself wanting to agree with your magnanimous sentiment, but I do need to remind you that this legislation had zero GOP support.
Obama sorta changed the rules or precedent in ramming it thru to passage.
He justly suffers the consequence.


Well-Known Member
Well, actually, I find myself wanting to agree with your magnanimous sentiment, but I do need to remind you that this legislation had zero GOP support.
Obama sorta changed the rules or precedent in ramming it thru to passage.
He justly suffers the consequence.
Or basks in the glory. I predict a change in history in about 5 years when Obamacare is doing just fine.

Zero GOP support for an original GOP idea. And you're not the obstructionist party?


Well-Known Member
Or basks in the glory. I predict a change in history in about 5 years when Obamacare is doing just fine.
I agree, if this O'care corrects its initial wobble and apparent ineptitude and dysfunction, I submit that
Obama will then deserve a place on Mt Rushmore after all.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I agree, if this O'care corrects its initial wobble and apparent ineptitude and dysfunction, I submit that
Obama will then deserve a place on Mt Rushmore after all.:leaf:
It's nice to know sometimes sarcasm can be as apparent online as it is in real life.


Active Member
Zero GOP support for an original GOP idea. And you're not the obstructionist party?
Remember the good old days when Obamacare was an All-Democratic idea, inspired by many years of hard work on Hillarycare, Chappaquiddicare, FDRcare, etc.

Now that its an epic disaster, it was all a BIG GOP idea.

I love you guys! Seriously.


Well-Known Member
Remember the good old days when Obamacare was an All-Democratic idea, inspired by many years of hard work on Hillarycare, Chappaquiddicare, FDRcare, etc.

Now that its an epic disaster, it was all a BIG GOP idea.

I love you guys! Seriously.
You are absolutely right. Initially, Obamacare WAS a democrat idea. After the Republican party got a hold of it, they 'negotiated' it back to a GOP program. Look it up bro.


Well-Known Member
Why is it that all of the posts by the left leaning dudes in this thread are devoid of any and all substantive engagement?
Hmmm... puff... puff??
peggy noonan literally gets wet cunt syndrome whenever she thinks about reagan.

this thread is worthless partisan spam from you.