Low Keys 2024 Season

Sadly Serenade didn't work for me either. That's how I found Regalia, from a friend here.
I sprayed a green house full of bud 3 times one yr it ruined the whole crop the bud smelt like dirty socks when dried, I used it because a well known long gone member here recommended it live an learn that was 8 yrs ago.
The thing about septoria is once you have it you can't get rid of it. All you can really do is slow the spread. Plants that are resistant to it will still get some spotting but the disease will spread very little. I know a commercial tomato farmer that uses Daconil for septoria and he told me that he immediately starts spaying his plants first thing in the spring and then keeps spraying as a preventative. He said once they get the disease the Daconil will not remove it.
The thing about septoria is once you have it you can't get rid of it. All you can really do is slow the spread. Plants that are resistant to it will still get some spotting but the disease will spread very little. I know a commercial tomato farmer that uses Daconil for septoria and he told me that he immediately starts spaying his plants first thing in the spring and then keeps spraying as a preventative. He said once they get the disease the Daconil will not remove it.
Sadly I know once it’s gotten it’s no gettin rid of it, I’m just tryin to slow it down and keep it from wrecking everything til harvest,
Pineapple chunk and a handful of other are handling it pretty well actually, there’s maybe 3 that’s struggling but they’re fighting but everything else is handling it pretty well

is your pineapple chunk Barney's? WHat others are handling it well? My tropicanna poison from sweet seeds has had zero septoria and my pineapple muffin plants from humboldt are doing real well too, but gotta larf inside hard..... and it's getting tough out there this year in western maine... other strains are hosting lots of septoria
is your pineapple chunk Barney's? WHat others are handling it well? My tropicanna poison from sweet seeds has had zero septoria and my pineapple muffin plants from humboldt are doing real well too, but gotta larf inside hard..... and it's getting tough out there this year in western maine... other strains are hosting lots of septoria
Ice Cream Cake, Sour Strawberry , Pineapple Chunk and Runtz Muffins is from Barney’s, PC is holding up against it pretty well, there’s a handful that’s not been bothered by septoria at all, I have maybe 3 that’s been affected more than the rest but I’ve been spraying em tryin to keep it from spreading and doin more damage, but frozen black cherry is probably handling it the best and it’s right next to the most affected plants
Been a min, but everything is budding nicely there is a wide range of different smells, face mask has a weird smell never smelled anything like it it’s almost like a dead animal or something, grape gushers, sour strawberry, pineapple chunk and purple dawg mass will probably be the first 1s done, speaking of grape gushers I love the smell on it it’s like a strong grape juice smell, PDM also has a very strong smell to it, I’m currently waiting for pollen sacks to open so I can hit branches
Also… there’s a lot of yellowing goin on, idk if it’s from septoria, root bound or the change in fertilizer, goin from veg to bloom, I’d put my money on the first 2! But that’s why I haven’t posted many pics cause of the yellowing
I looked all over for the 7 foot concrete remesh in Oklahoma, but no luck! I could use 8 ft T posts and jack up the cages a couple of feet, but I need to protect the base of the plants from armadillos.
@ mandocat ,we don't have many armadillos in my area yet (only a few , they are getting thicker, do they dig in you soil in the grow tubs?do you shoot em or what do you use to keep them away?
The remesh cage with hardware cloth around it keeps them from digging at the base of my plants and that's all I care about. They are mostly nocturnal, don't see them often.