low life ak47 no showing sex???


Active Member
I have 4 auto lowlife ak47 and 1 lowrder, the lowryder, the smallest of the bunch showed sex 2 days ago, there all 26 days from sprout. I swiched the bulb from a mh to an hps yesterday, hoping that would help..
has anyone had any problems with lowlife's ak not autoflowering? There on an 18/6 schedule, should I switch to 12/12? I think the tallest is under 6", but there all very bushy with close nodes...should I wait or just flip to 12/12? I don't want to waste time, I'm going to need that space soon..


Active Member
dude, i feel your pain, maybe worse for me.... all be it im not growing ak's but.... i am growing lowryders.

Im 27 days now plants look stunning, but not a hint of sex..... im getting fucked of!


Active Member
I cut to an 16/8 light schedule to see if that helps, if I dont see those fukin white hairs in two days, there going to be changed again to a 12/12 ccle


Active Member
update; my plants did finnally sex, 2 girls. The third plant is too young to expect sex so jury is still out on her....... but i have two girls so im stoked.


sweet nice to hear I gots five outta a pack of ten. Plus seed bank had trouble getting tha seeds out to me and 4 some reason sent out an extra pack by mistake! lol


Active Member
i think the third one of my lowryders is a boy pre flowers are very small though so im gonna give a few more days..... but i cant see any hairs yet....