low! !! low! yeild. . about 1 once per plant. ... please help


Active Member
Haha, it was probably just the chinese guy in the plant world :)
All our plants cant be black guys, bruh.
It probably just had a geneticly low yield rate.
If your plants looked great at harvest, you did great!
People lie alot too, I can grow like a MF and I get about .8 grams per watt (I grow with a 600 HPS and a 400MH in a Growzilla hood). I always see or hear people saying they pull lbs from 1000 watts, but I call bullshit most of the time when they grow in soil. Plus bigger dosent always mean better. Most of the really good herb ive come across always yielded around 1.5 oz per plant.
You should grow some 818 Headband from Cali Connection and see what your harvest weight is :)

b trip000

ihear u and u guys r right i did skip allot , like checking the ph or buying a thermometer..
but i figuered if i stuck to the basics when it came down to feeding and heat i would be good..
the basics like clear the soil some before changing cycles and the hand test .. i mean im a grown man and i think i can estimate 70's 80's and 90's by touch ,lol. so i didnt think it would be a issue. and as far as i can tell it wasnt the plants were and are beautiful.. right now its missing allot of foilliage due to that time i gave it the strong shit at week 6 but beside that theyre great .. oh yeah and the yeild...

it was green houses super bud which is advertiesed at 4 quarters per sq meter


Well-Known Member
advertised yields are optimal conditions, and usually unless stated otherwise outdoor yields.

dont buy strains based on yield. not going to get far that way.


i use Fox Farm nutes and follow this schedule: http://www.marijuanagrowguide.net/Soil.html

seems to work great for me.

don't try to reinvent the wheel. just follow precisely the directions of someone experienced. Once you become experienced you can start improvising. i'm not there yet. might not get there for two or three more years. for now i'm content to do exactly what has been proven again and again to work.


Active Member
flower response was slow caused u never flushed as that high N MIRCLE GROW out off ur mix the week leading into flower as high N delays fruit production resulting in lower yield


New Member
Get rid of the miracle gro soil first off. And throw out any miracle gro perlite, it's bad stuff. My buddy uses it but he also only gets 1 oz maybe 1 1/2 per girl. Some people supposedly have great luck with it but just because your plants flourished in veg with it doesn't mean it didn't hurt them down the road in flower. Switch soil and use a less chemical or full organic nute lineup.

Keep your light set-up, it's perfect. Starting with T5s for the first 2-3 weeks keeps the nodes tight, then the switch to mh makes em work OT. The 600 watt in the first 2 weeks is also great, no reason to give them more light than they need those first 2 weeks, then switch to either a 1000 or better yet two 600s and BOOM, it's monster time.

If you're growing indica or indica dominant strains at week 6 flower you should be flushing water only, adding nothing. Your bud growth should peak by end of week 5 and after that it's all about flushing and resin production. Try going 48-72 hours of straight darkness right before harvest.

My very first grow was a complete failure, I didn't even make it to mid veg so you're ahead of the game.

b trip000

thanks organicC
any other help is much appreciated
im lookin for big yeild and great potency . just like every one here ,lol
so please help