Low soil p.h..

hello, I'm having some problems with low p.h., in my soil, we have very very alkaline water here and I think I used a bit much cyclone down, must not have waited long enough to test. slow growth, twisted new growth, cal def in a couple lower leaves now. I DONT HAVE TIME TO FLUSH, thats why I'm going hydroponic after these are finished with flower, any ideas for fixing this without flushing? I've heard Olympus up is a good product, maybe give em that with some of this high p.h. water? WORKING TOO MUCH LOL. ANY THOUGHTS.



Well-Known Member
hello, I'm having some problems with low p.h., in my soil, we have very very alkaline water here and I think I used a bit much cyclone down, must not have waited long enough to test. slow growth, twisted new growth, cal def in a couple lower leaves now. I DONT HAVE TIME TO FLUSH, thats why I'm going hydroponic after these are finished with flower, any ideas for fixing this without flushing? I've heard Olympus up is a good product, maybe give em that with some of this high p.h. water? WORKING TOO MUCH LOL. ANY THOUGHTS.
That's not a pH issue. What did you use to measure this "low soil pH issue"? First thing you should do is not freak out. Dumping extra products and making multiple changes is a recipe for more issues.
I used general organics liquid test. Tested at around 4.5-5, my pen said 4.6. I didn't post the best pics, lower leafs are showing calcium def, stems are all purple, leafs drooping down, twisted new growth. Growth is slow also, way slower then usual.
Imma grab some better pics, I already tried correcting with Olympus up, put in at 8, run off came out at 6.5. If this don't work imma scrap it, never had to throw out plants before. Clean the room and start fresh I think.