Low soil ph, any easy ways to correct it?

So I just checked my soil ph and it's in the low 5's, i'm watering with tap water which is around 6.5.

I just did a bit of a flush to try and bring it up but it didn't seem to make much of a difference.

Is there any household items I can add to help raise the ph without hurting the plant, would flushing with higher ph water even help at all? I did a bit of a search and got conflicting results so I thought i'd start my own thread.

I'm 5 weeks into flowering and don't want to screw it up this close to the end haha.


Active Member
Household Ammonia is very alkaline (13.0). Flushing with an 8.0 solution will definitely help, but don't expect too see changes on the day after. Don't overdo it and it's all good. It will also add some extra N, no harm in that.
Hope this helps, good luck.
I flushed abit more yesterday and today the soil ph seems to have come up to the low 6's now so i'm happy with that for now. thanks for the advice
I've got a ph tester which is just a guage with a long probe which you push down to root level, is this ok? Don't have any lime sitting around...