low stress training help

My plants are 1 month old from germ and I was wondering if it was to early to start training them. I just tied the top down a lil bit today and I was wondering if I should stop or keep going. Here's a pic of what I did.



Well-Known Member
My plants are 1 month old from germ and I was wondering if it was to early to start training them. I just tied the top down a lil bit today and I was wondering if I should stop or keep going. Here's a pic of what I did.

Whoa brother, you are getting ahead of yourself. Figure out how to build up a vigorous plant before you start with the whips and chains.

You got healthy color but a bit of a runt to deal with. Focus on getting her growing before you go any further.

That's tiny small for a month. You need to figure out what's holding you back.

Peace - AIM


Active Member
How many inches away is your light buddy?
I know its hard for your first grow but you can worry the things to death, try and relax and enjoy it, if a moroon like me can do it anyone can.


Technically yah you're ok to start LST. The major concern with doing it early is uprooting (seedling or clone) it if it doesn't have enough root system developed. As it stands, I'd say just keep going with the bending, whatever growth problem you have isn't going to be wildly harmed by continuing on the bending path. It is small for a 1 month old, so next time you'll want to figure out what's causing the growth problem before you try to manipulate the growth hormones with LST. Pay attention to the first week after the seedling breaks surface, that one looks like it might have stretched a little for a too-high fluoro. Or maybe it's already just on the cusp of a huge growth breakout, either way the gentle bend won't hurt
Im using a 400 watt mh light and the light is pretty far away. I want to get it closer but it starts to get way to hot like high 80s and the highest of 91 when I put it like a 18 inches away and I dont have a fan just yet. I also think that they are really small for being a month old. Please help. I would like to figure out what to do to make these girls taller and bushy. Thank you everyone for your help a newb like me likes taking in any info you all are so kind to offer!


Well-Known Member
Ideal temps should be 72-76F. 91 is way too hot. Bigger plants? Give them all the root space you can. 5 gal pots will get you what you want.


Ok, now you're on the right track. Address the fan problem ASAP, even if you have to snag a box fan from your parents or get a $2 used one at Goodwill. Not only for reducing the heat from the lights, but for fresh air exchange around the leaves. They will get taller if you put the puzzle pieces in place, then we can work on getting them bushy as you please :)
Awesome I will get a box fan asap! And iv also been thinking about investing in a inline fan. All within time for that, but I can deff afford a box fan for now. Iv just been worried about them not getting bigger. Thank you so much for your input it helps out so much!

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
If someone started taking over/under bets on how long a thread can persist until 80% of it is people fighting (none of whom are the OP) they could rack up quite a fortune.