low stress training question


Well-Known Member
hey guys im planning on experimenting with low stress training
my question is if i tie the plant around the pot i have it in , how will i water it
would i have to move the leaves out of the way because eventually it will get very bushy and i prolly wont be able to see the soil , so how will i water when there are buds on it and such


Well-Known Member
LST does create the bush effect instead of going directly vertical. But you can easily still move a leaf or two and water the plant. You dont have to put the water dirrectly on the stem, just put some all around the plant and the water will distribute itself through the soil mate :P


Well-Known Member
its not a problem, water in the middle ....
there wont be too many leaves at the bottom when it gets taller...as they get less light and die off

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Get a long neck watering can. Its an old tool but it works fine. You can easily put the tip below foliage level without over doing it or spilling if you take your time. Go to a cheapo housewares store & they are pretty cheap.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
I got a short length of hosepipe and put it through a hole I made in the lid of one of my water bottles, then sealed it up with silicon on both sides. Makes a world of difference when you have a crowd of plants growing and just need to water a couple in the middle.