Low Stress Training (with Pictures).


Well-Known Member
I topped several of my 14 day old Veg Clones
then, 6 days later, I started LOW STRESS TRAINING some of them.

I attached a bulldog clip to the edge of the plant pot
then bent over the tallest part of the plant
and anchored it to the clip, with plastic tie-wraps.

Today I started LST phase 2
by doing the same thing
but to the next stem of the plant
that has outgrown the rest and become the tallest.

This picture shows the original LST'ed stem (from about 7 days ago) IMG-20140225-00040.jpg
and the 2nd part of the LSTraining, from a few hours ago.

I am unsure why I have started using this technique....?
Like all beginners, I'm eager to try new things and, when TOPPING and LST were suggested as the best techniques for novices to attempt,
I quickly began to have a go.
Now I feel that just TOPPING -
and leaving the plants to grow upwards, but with 2 or 4 equal stems/colas,
may have been more useful.

The flowering phase begins on Friday 1st March....
I don't know what to do with the LST plants....???

How will they grow?
Do I continue to anchor down more of the taller stems, during the flowering phase???



Well-Known Member
Get a counter for the other side as well, you want the stem to be pulled the other way that its leaning .


Active Member
I can't really tell for sure from the pictures if they are or not but as long as you keep ALL of the tops down to promote hormone redistribution you should see the smaller branches on all of your larger ones shoot upwards and you can continue to tie down as long as you have horizontal coverage and time to veg really.

Depending on how much space you have vertically and the strain etc, i would continue to tie down about halfway through the stretch during flowering and just open up the canopy to spread light out during that time and/or to move future fat colas from being close enough to worry about mold if that is a concern for you, just make sure to go extra on the LOW side during flowering obviously.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thay pretty much said it,

You dont wanna fuck around tooooooooooo much in flowering but its ok at the beginning. LST that is, dont do anything major, just open up the tops for more light .


Active Member
I LST my plants with great results, all my secondary tops grow 4" in less than 24 hours after doing it, I just did it again yesterday for the second time with great results, now the secondary tops are 9" long with 4 or more nodes each and the canopy is even


Well-Known Member
What is that medium you have your plants in? Looks unusual but your LST is looking good!
It's a 6" x 6" rockwool block
A rooting sponge, a rockwool block and hydroton around the edge to keep it firmly in place.
Only 2 of my clones are in Rockwool,
the other 22 are just the rooting sponges in hydroton.