In the first 3 days the best temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius. This way the buds will dry quick, but not too fast. After 3 days the temperature should be lowered to about 17-18 degrees Celsius to slow down the process.
Everybody goes a little different I dry at 24 with 45% rh and it usually takes 8 days that's with stems on off I do it with nothing but the bud she's dry in 4 and is a little bit harsh...In the first 3 days the best temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius. This way the buds will dry quick, but not too fast. After 3 days the temperature should be lowered to about 17-18 degrees Celsius to slow down the process.
Do you use Bovida or some other type of humidity pack while curing???im trying to dry mine with real low temps, but one thing i will say is they seem to have improved in flavour over the last month or two. i get to the stage where i can smoke some of the bud, but when i go to roll another number, the bud is damp again. i must put them into some kilner jars to cure.
Na I tried that didn't taste right... Tried it twice different strains still didn't taste right... If you pull it off let us, i havent tried anything yet, but its getting to the stage where im going to use the dehydratoqw with the setting turned down
Have you tried paper grocery bags?no, i havent tried anything yet, but its getting to the stage where im going to use the dehydratoqw with the setting turned down
thanx, im going to try it tonight thank you. i would never have guessed you could do it in the fridge. wish id known this years agoRefrigerator drying is a thing
It works my friend. Give it a go. I just use my garage this time of year. And the flavor ends up being much more pronounced.well now im not going to try it, i realy want to improve and keep there flavour as they are now, i guess a while longer wont hurt them for another week
Contractor bags are just really big black plastic trash bags. They are thicker than regular trash bags so they are tougher and light proof. They (unlike other types of trash bags) are also unscented. The unscented part is important!!! As to the thickness, I think the ones I buy are 4mil. plastic. Though they may only be three mil. Either way I use the 55 gallon size.the only thing im worried about is the moisture in the atmusphere. what are contractors bags???