Low yields, need some help.

I use a 400w hps.

I grow in coco and use the following.


I grow 4x2ft plants and harvest around 4oz per plant.

If I use clones they get around 2-3weeks veg time, topped.

My plants are ALWAYS green at harvest time.

Yellow plants or burnt leaves etc slows down growth.

I use 11L pots.

Work on keeping your plants healthy with a finishing height around 2ft tall and yields will follow.


Good Information! Thank you!
theres a lt of goo info and havent read it all but HANDS DOWN!!!! if you want bigged yield get more lights, go hydro, veg with at least a 400 mh, 6 weeks, flower with 600hps, hydro will give ou quite a bigger yield if you manage it well, but the key is NOT the amount of plants to the light, its the amount of light to each plant, the more light the bigger the buds!!!!!!

I really think hydro is a good idea , just dont know how it works,what i need to do it...
There is a whole section of this site dedicated to Hydroponics/aeroponics. Start there - there will be informative "stickies" at the top
IMO you would be better served honing your skills with your current setup rather than adding a shit ton of other variables to take control of.

The journal in my signature is a hydro journal documenting everything from res testing and adjusting to environmental aspects etc

With your current 400w if everything is dialed in you should be able to achieve 300-500g from a harvest so don't listen to those who try to convince you to change everything or add more light etc.

Learn your craft, read the plants, control environmental variables.

These alone will bring you good yields.

I can't imagine having a space that small with 5 plants. Must be hard to get good airflow and light penetration. If it were my space I would start with only 2 plants. LST them a bit when they are small so you have 6 to 8 vertical branches and veg them until they are about 2 feet tall. Keep the air moving and the light about 6 -8 inches above the canopy. Water by weight and use minimal nutes til you figure out what you're doing wrong.. I've made every mistake you can think of with growing and my yields have never been as low as you describe..
ok im gonna burst your bubble, soil isa bitch to work with, look at all the plant problems on this forum, most are using soil,yes hydro is less forgiving but its not nearly as much f..king aroung, anyone thats growing needs to take extra cae with maryjane, but hydro is easy, just get a basic 3 bottle system with a ph tester, really thats all you need to do, is make ure to follow the directions to a ''T'', and the nutes are mixed perfect. another thing is that with soil it take longer to see a result from a change whereas hydro can be in hours (good or bad). the whol question is for him to get yield, and i believe this is the easiest est way for a yield increase!!!!
IMO you would be better served honing your skills with your current setup rather than adding a shit ton of other variables to take control of.

The journal in my signature is a hydro journal documenting everything from res testing and adjusting to environmental aspects etc

With your current 400w if everything is dialed in you should be able to achieve 300-500g from a harvest so don't listen to those who try to convince you to change everything or add more light etc.

Learn your craft, read the plants, control environmental variables.

These alone will bring you good yields.

those alone will hep not BRING, your telling him not to get ights, its the most important thing with any plant for size, no matter how many plants there are, will not be more yield jut more shit to deal with, i get a pond off 2 plants in a tent under a 600hps in a simple hydro setup that i dont do anything to othe than look at them, change the nutes once in a while.
ok im gonna burst your bubble, soil isa bitch to work with, look at all the plant problems on this forum, most are using soil,yes hydro is less forgiving but its not nearly as much f..king aroung, anyone thats growing needs to take extra cae with maryjane, but hydro is easy, just get a basic 3 bottle system with a ph tester, really thats all you need to do, is make ure to follow the directions to a ''T'', and the nutes are mixed perfect. another thing is that with soil it take longer to see a result from a change whereas hydro can be in hours (good or bad). the whol question is for him to get yield, and i believe this is the easiest est way for a yield increase!!!!
Try controlling the flowers horizontally with a net right as you initiate flowering. The bud sites will turn up and produce down the stem further. Keep your canopy shallow, level, and think about a sea of green.
if you wanna go hydro, check out my setup, its cheap, easy, and a huge producer, to be honest, im not sure why more people dont do this, i have proven results and this thing takes up barely any space, and i gotta pound every 2-3 months perpetual!!!!! i encourage questions about my setup becaue its unique and it works awesome!!!!!
I really think hydro is a good idea , just dont know how it works,what i need to do it...
if you wanna go hydro, check out my setup, its cheap, easy, and a huge producer, to be honest, im not sure why more people dont do this, i have proven results and this thing takes up barely any space, and i gotta pound every 2-3 months perpetual!!!!! i encourage questions about my setup becaue its unique and it works awesome!!!!!
those alone will hep not BRING, your telling him not to get ights, its the most important thing with any plant for size, no matter how many plants there are, will not be more yield jut more shit to deal with, i get a pond off 2 plants in a tent under a 600hps in a simple hydro setup that i dont do anything to othe than look at them, change the nutes once in a while.

My point that I'm making is that his setup should be fine.

Is a pound 16oz in the USA? I pull that from 400w using 4plants.

I'm not gonna get into a pissing contest with you.

I've done hydro. Then the police came and took it away.

15g per plant under 400w with soil means that there is something wrong. Not that he needs to go out and get a hydro system.

With a simple change of a few things such as temps, nute mixes and possibly switching to a soiless medium could help him bump up his yields.

Original poster - what is your environment like?
Are your temps under control?
Do you have enough air exchange?
Are your plants severely yellow at harvest?
Do you get funny colours on your leaves during flowering? Such as browns/purples/yellows?

scrog all the way bro! check out my MOBILE hydro scrog in the hydro section.. i have a 5x3 area and i can fit 3 ebb and flow mobile scrogs in there.. depending on how long u want to veg u cld do anywhere from 2-4 plants per scrog even 5 if u want really short veg..
Are you growing bagseed?

Pick a method and stick with it and dial it in. Soil or hydro, either is fine and has pros/cons. You indicated an interest in hydro, and you can get into it simple and cheap with hempy buckets. That growing style will feel very similar to soil growing, but you should get faster veg and bigger yield than soil.

The thing with hydro is there is pretty much a mandatory up-front investment for a ph pen and ppm pen. But other than that it's not hard. Doing things like training for scrog and super cropping are more advanced and I would suggest leaving them alone for the most part and just learning how to grow some good bud before you experiment too much with training or more advanced setups. Topping and FIM are easy and will increase yield, but also increase your veg time.

The ideal setup also depends on if you are growing for personal stash or need quantity for selling or whatever.
Just....Veg them longer...
Maybe, They do not have a complete root complex with a short veg period...
Are you harvesting them when you see first signs of amber trics? [first signs!!!]
If you see no amber, then plants maybe could have grown bigger...
ok im gonna burst your bubble, soil isa bitch to work with

Noooooooooooooooo soil is easy.. ;)

Nothing easier in fact..

Don't blame soil for people poisoning it by trying to love it too much, and then not being able to back out of their own damage quick enough.

Soil... just water, feed occasionally and 'foggedaboutem'.
I agree hydro is good yet for a second grow like it was previously stated you can do better, the ONLY problem I have with hydro is if I am gone and something happens and I can't fix it......... Whole crop done. Soil way easier for a novice, after you run a couple cycles and figure your dedication to your new hobby then try hydro. Just my opinion!!
if you wanna go hydro, check out my setup, its cheap, easy, and a huge producer, to be honest, im not sure why more people dont do this, i have proven results and this thing takes up barely any space, and i gotta pound every 2-3 months perpetual!!!!! i encourage questions about my setup becaue its unique and it works awesome!!!!!
Man just cause hydro is good for you doesn't mean it's best for the OP. Good advise would have been to help get to the root of the cause, not pushing another growing style on him and more expense, i'm just saying. I'm with jondamon the OP should dial in his setup and increase productivity.
The problem with soil is the roots need more space, the smaller your pots the smaller your yield, i had an accident with a plant by starting to flower it in its veg pot (about 1-2L), yield was laughable, really it was about as much as a branch from my big 45L pot, also soil gets really compact and hard for the roots to dig thru, you might want to add coco or go fully coco for less compact and sufffucating soil.
The problem with soil is the roots need more space, the smaller your pots the smaller your yield, i had an accident with a plant by starting to flower it in its veg pot (about 1-2L), yield was laughable, really it was about as much as a branch from my big 45L pot, also soil gets really compact and hard for the roots to dig thru, you might want to add coco or go fully coco for less compact and sufffucating soil.

You didn't 'just' use soil did you? It 'helps' to have some perlite and or other medium to help aerate. If not, makes for long watering sessions, but still doable.

I have grown quarter lb plants in gallon pots.. 3/4 ounce plants in a 16 ounce solo cup....