lower branches


Active Member
I have cfl's around the bottom of all my ladies, flowering or not. I intend on using the lower buds for butter, hash, etc. Not that J of C is wrong, they are your plants, do what you want! Happy growing!


Active Member
dude what are you lighting them with? Those plants are leggy as hell. Strip the bottom stems and use them for clones if you want to. It's possible but not ideal to take clones off of a flowering plant. How long have these been flowering? Get a better light asap and you might get something


Well-Known Member
well actually the light it is 70watts HPS and 20watts (the tube).... it is really hard to "handle" the plant at the moment, the stem is really hard cant hardly move it... the most i could did is tie them to the side of the closet, you guys think it is a light issue? or they are just sativas?... because i always tried to keep the light the closest possible


New Member
no its a light issue, with a 70 watt HPS I'm sure you could get the plant a couple inches from the light and slowly move it down to the floor. Your best bet is to buy a light reflector and hang it so you can control how high it is


i think that would make the plant want to grow downwards?
if you think about it, plants grow towards the light, IE why plants grow to the sun.
ALSO i think the light on the ground may be too close and harm them more then being usefull..
just my oppinion though


New Member
not all the way at the bottom but the sides are good. Only the top part of the leaf absorbs light so it'd have to twist around to get to it.


Active Member
70 watt hps...yea, nit gonna cut it...ESP at that height...I've researched, and a MINIMUM of 250 watt hps, is what should be used...and that's MINIMUM...as for MH, I'm not sure the wattage, but I would assume it would be slightly less than the hps...any who, good luck...I was also wondering what to do with lower leaves and branches, but my ladies are bushy as heck with tig ol bitties now...