Lower humidity/Higher female rate


Well-Known Member
I have read in various places that a lower humidity rate in the grow area will increase the rate of females. So on a recent grow I decided to try it and here are my preliminary results:
Humidity is between 20 and 30 percent.
Started 11 plants. Culled 2 after 30 days of veg leaving 9.
11 days into flowering, 7 females, 1 male, 1 unknown. Maybe just luck but I see it promising and will do this again on my next grow to confirm or not confirm these results.


Well-Known Member
really? ive read (on forums) that higher humidity gives mor females?

i also heard lots of blue light the first 2 or 3 weeks and slightly cooler temps will inrease the probobillity of getting more females.


Well-Known Member
really? ive read (on forums) that higher humidity gives mor females?

i also heard lots of blue light the first 2 or 3 weeks and slightly cooler temps will inrease the probobillity of getting more females.
I have read that also, but seem to see more on the lower side of it. Maybe it is all just voodoo but who knows? These plants were vegged under 400w mh 18/6 then switched to 400w hps 12/12 at aprox 5 weeks. In all fairness it is probaly just luck, but still vary interesting. Guess nothing will ever be definitive, but still promising enough to try it again a few times.


Active Member
I know this thread is old...just wondering if you had any luck on your future grows being primarily female with low humidity conditions?


Active Member
I think it might be possible to 'lean' in the direction for a female plant, but I think its still impossible to 'force'. Having said that, i certainly think there may be ways to favor one sex over the other. It's already known that stress causes hermi, but could favorable conditions induce more females?

My 1st grow was a female I had alot of blue light on it.. 16 hours of light.

My 2nd grow is coming up, but this time i could only do 12 hours... i am however maintaining the same high humidity, but this time lower temps, and unfortunately a different strain, but i'll see how that goes.

I am keeping tabs on how the plant looks/grows at every stage to see if I could come up with what might be signs of a emerging female or male.

I am only dealing with sativas at this point also.


Active Member
I think gender is decided in the genetic code within the seed. one gene will dominate the other and given the right conditions thrive, but under certain stress conditions the plant certainly has the ability to produce both male and female flowers because both genes are present.