lower leafs yellowing


Well-Known Member
theyre under 3 23 CFLs 2700k, i know its the wrong spectrum for veg but theyre doing fine... except for the yellowing

theyre on day 28 of veg, the 2 bigger plants lowest leafs are dying of, as you can see on pic 1, picture 2 is the second set of leafs that is slowly going yellow so i have to do something against this fast.

i water them when the soil is dry 1 inch down...
i'm using HESI nutes since day 15.

pic 1

pic 2

these are the 2 plants, on and the burn marks in the front are from when they got to close to the lights when they were young

on this on i have a weird porblem with then leafs being cupped down, this problem is worst at the top of the plant in the middle of the leaf...

my best guess would be nute burn or missing nutes :confused:

oh and to any one that can give me some info on this... +REP :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
So I'm by no means an expert but here are my thoughts on this.

I would not worry about those little leaves whatsoever. They are meaningless at this point in the growth. I'd be more concerned with what the bigger leaves look like.

pic 1 - everything looks fine
pic 2 - look like a real minor nute burn and nothing to be worried about unless it gets MUCH worse.

I'd check the pH and another thing - how is your airflow and temps?


Well-Known Member
So I'm by no means an expert but here are my thoughts on this.

I would not worry about those little leaves whatsoever. They are meaningless at this point in the growth. I'd be more concerned with what the bigger leaves look like.

pic 1 - everything looks fine
pic 2 - look like a real minor nute burn and nothing to be worried about unless it gets MUCH worse.

I'd check the pH and another thing - how is your airflow and temps?
temp is constant at 77, and i dont have any airflow.

thanks, you got any idea what the reason for the cupping leaves could be? genetics??


Active Member
I kinda av the same problem wit leaves yellowin in my plants i tink its nitrogen or posphorus look in to it man iv started flowerin mine so il let u no how they get on


Well-Known Member
Whats the n-p-k on the nutes ur using? it could be problem
Might be the lack of watts as well, also consisder adding oscilating fan
The cupping of leaves its my opinion they just want more watts could be wrong though peace good luck:weed:


Active Member
first off, don't use the nutrients at full strength, rather 1/2 to 3/4 strength. the first picture is normal, those leaves should be taken off, they really have no use except when the plant is really young.

the second picture is a slight nutrient burn, just back off on the nutrients a hair.

pictures 4-6 could stem from a number of problems. first thing that came to my mind was that temps were to high, but u said it is constantly at 77, so if that's true than its not heat (do you have a thermometer that records highs and lows? if not get one they are like 30. if you are only taking temps when you check on them then there could be some serious fluctuations, especially with no ventilation)

possibly under-watering, but i have never grown in soil so i can't tell you if you're watering schedule is correct. I have heard to water when the soil is on the dry side of moist about an inch down, not completely dry, but like i said I've personally never grown in soil, just hydro. i personally see all the leaves cupping UP, not DOWN, except for the one leaf you put an arrow to in pic 4. like i said, heat is usually the culprit here since the leaves are cupping up from the middle, not from the edges of the leaves. if they were cupping from the edges, i would definitely say it's Magnesium deficiency. although i have seen this at early stages of magnesium deficiencies, i still think it is from heat, unless you are SURE that temps stay at 77 all the time, i don't see how they could with no ventilation.

i don't really see any "yellowing" except the 2nd pic, which is nute burn on the edges, and the 1st pic which is normal, like i said just take em off. if there is more yellowing that i'm not seeing, please point it out.

what strength nutrients are you giving them? do you use a PPM/TDS meter on the solution before you water? let me know what the PPM is if you do, if not go get a meter lol.

what is your soil's PH? if you don't know, yet again go get a meter lol.

possible solutions:
-make sure those temps are not getting high when you're not there if you don't have a recording temp meter.
-water when soil is on the dry side of moist, an inch down, instead of completely dry.
-get some Cal-Mag, bout $12 at your local grow shop. 5ml/gal of water every other watering. should take care of any micro-nutrient problems, and wont harm the plants either way.
-back off on your base nutrients just a hair.

alright, there's my 2 cents, or rather 2 dollars lol.


Well-Known Member
first off, don't use the nutrients at full strength, rather 1/2 to 3/4 strength. the first picture is normal, those leaves should be taken off, they really have no use except when the plant is really young.

the second picture is a slight nutrient burn, just back off on the nutrients a hair.

pictures 4-6 could stem from a number of problems. first thing that came to my mind was that temps were to high, but u said it is constantly at 77, so if that's true than its not heat (do you have a thermometer that records highs and lows? if not get one they are like 30. if you are only taking temps when you check on them then there could be some serious fluctuations, especially with no ventilation)

possibly under-watering, but i have never grown in soil so i can't tell you if you're watering schedule is correct. I have heard to water when the soil is on the dry side of moist about an inch down, not completely dry, but like i said I've personally never grown in soil, just hydro. i personally see all the leaves cupping UP, not DOWN, except for the one leaf you put an arrow to in pic 4. like i said, heat is usually the culprit here since the leaves are cupping up from the middle, not from the edges of the leaves. if they were cupping from the edges, i would definitely say it's Magnesium deficiency. although i have seen this at early stages of magnesium deficiencies, i still think it is from heat, unless you are SURE that temps stay at 77 all the time, i don't see how they could with no ventilation.

i don't really see any "yellowing" except the 2nd pic, which is nute burn on the edges, and the 1st pic which is normal, like i said just take em off. if there is more yellowing that i'm not seeing, please point it out.

what strength nutrients are you giving them? do you use a PPM/TDS meter on the solution before you water? let me know what the PPM is if you do, if not go get a meter lol.

what is your soil's PH? if you don't know, yet again go get a meter lol.

possible solutions:
-make sure those temps are not getting high when you're not there if you don't have a recording temp meter.
-water when soil is on the dry side of moist, an inch down, instead of completely dry.
-get some Cal-Mag, bout $12 at your local grow shop. 5ml/gal of water every other watering. should take care of any micro-nutrient problems, and wont harm the plants either way.
-back off on your base nutrients just a hair.

alright, there's my 2 cents, or rather 2 dollars lol.
your 2$ are veery appreciated :mrgreen:


i flushed them with water yesterday and changed them to 12/12
getting a 200w envirolight on monday, so the watts will be taken care of...

PH is at 6-6.5, measured of the drainage...

i,ve never seen the thermometer go above 25 celsius which is 77.
even if i let the door closed for a long time and the open its still at 25.

now everything is going downhill.

another set of leafs is yellowing on both plants and the cupping got even worse.

oh and they generally cup down but i can flip them up like in pic 6.

here some more pics :cry: :



Well-Known Member
99 views and only 4 replies??

cmon help me out here, if i dont do something my plant is gonna yellow all the way tho the top :cry:

and why the fuck do my leafs look like that


Well-Known Member
Whats the n-p-k on the nutes ur using? it could be problem
Might be the lack of watts as well, also consisder adding oscilating fan
The cupping of leaves its my opinion they just want more watts could be wrong though peace good luck:weed:
the n-p-k is 6-2-4

and for flower its 4-3-5

hesi is the cannabis-cup winner so i thought i couldnt do much wrong :D


Well-Known Member
all the problems you are havin are because of that clear plastic cup you are using, roots ie when they hit light, thats why the lower leaves are dying first it will progressively move upwards if you dant change the pot, get like a 5 gallon and that plant will look tits in about two weeks


Active Member
well now the leaves look droopy like you were saying, the last set they all looked like they were cupping up (at least to me). i would say over watering for the first pic now. does the bottom of the plant (1st pic) look like a potassium deficiency to anyone else? that plant is really stretchy, if you look back in the first set of pictures you can see how the nodes are spaced really far apart.

dank is right on the plant in the small clear cup.


Well-Known Member
all the problems you are havin are because of that clear plastic cup you are using, roots ie when they hit light, thats why the lower leaves are dying first it will progressively move upwards if you dant change the pot, get like a 5 gallon and that plant will look tits in about two weeks
thanks was gonna repot them on monday together with the new lights :D

but my biggest plant isnt in a clear cup and still has these problems...

it looks really bad now, i'm oretty sure its nute burn, but i flushed em 2 times and there still yellowing. :cry:


Well-Known Member
"PH is at 6-6.5, measured of the drainage..."

Your plants are showing the classic signs of a cal-mag definciancy. The optimal ph range for soil plants to be able to utilize cal, mag and P is 6.5-7.0.

Look at the ph chart I attached and you will see what is available to your plants at any certain ph. A ph below 6.5 locks out cal, mag, and P.

Also check out this article, it discusses essencial elements and how and why plants use them.


Well-Known Member
"PH is at 6-6.5, measured of the drainage..."

Your plants are showing the classic signs of a cal-mag definciancy. The optimal ph range for soil plants to be able to utilize cal, mag and P is 6.5-7.0.

Look at the ph chart I attached and you will see what is available to your plants at any certain ph. A ph below 6.5 locks out cal, mag, and P.

Also check out this article, it discusses essencial elements and how and why plants use them.
wow thanks... my PH meter thing isnt that exact since is just these strips you hold in the water and then compare colors, so i'm not always that sure about what my PH is.

but im assuming i have to raise my PH a little. what can i use to adjust my PH?

does vinegar make it go up or down? and how much to use, like 2 drops?


Well-Known Member
I have never used the vinegar, ph up, or ph down methods to adjust the ph. Since you are in soil I reccomend using dolomite lime (what i use and mix in), this brings your soil ph to 7.0 and keeps it there. You can pick it up at any store that has a garden center. There is dry dolomite lime (about 5 bucks) that comes in a box and there is hydrated dolomite lime and it comes in a bottle. Both will do the job.

If you choose to go with the dry one, simply loosen to top 4-5 inches of your soil and mix in 1 ounce of lime per gallon of soil, and give a good watering. If you go with the hydrated one follow the directions on the bottle.

Cal and mag are used up immediatly by the plants so you may also want to pick up some Cal-Mag by Botanicare to continually supliment the amount of cal and mag available to the plants. Alot of times your veg or flower food does not have enough cal-mag to sustain the levels that they require during their life cycle. Once your ph is right on though the plants can take in what they need. Hope this helps you out.