lower leaves dying


Active Member
BUY a liquid ph water tester and a liquid soil test kit. Should have been the third thing you bought. Best of luck my friend

the formula

I have an electric Ph tester and the kind where u put some dirt in and mix it with water and powder from a pill. Problem is u have to get soil from way down. This was supposed to be Ph ready to go I think the humic acid probably lowered Ph.


Active Member
Yeah i use a tube stickit down the middle add it to the line add the pill shake and wait 30 min for the color to chamge. Best way ive found


Active Member
The additives are just buffers and wont really do much in a quick way. Best bet is to use neutral water and flush. Put a bucket of tap water in the sun for a day to rid chlorine and water heavily.


Active Member
A pen works to get the soil from the middle just stick it in the dirt and use the dirt that gets stuck in the tube


Well-Known Member
i think its just the fact that its so bushy and the leaves are stacked tight and suffocating the lowers of air and light
i lose the bottom fans all the time they look just like that
if you had some more 2700k they would stretch a lil more and light would penetrate easier

the formula

That's a good idea about a hollow pen thanks. I've got two gallonsof water that have been out for a few days I'll flush it. Thanks. Ima gonna have to wait a few days tho cuz I just watered a few hours ago. Shud I take readings from a few spots cuz my damn electric one says 6.4 or so on one side and as low as 4.9 in another. Thanks man this is my first grow ever and I don't want to have to see a dealer again in my life after this if possible. You've been a big help if ur curious I can let u know how its going in a few days.

the formula

Ive got 4 2700k but 3 are on the sides one is on top. U think I Shud go ahead and remove those fans that are yellow and brown. I read NOT to remove fan leaves. Nevermind I just went to feel em and they both snapped rt off. I know its crowded but its got new growth all over the shoots then the shoots get shoots isntthat where the buds form. Instead of growing outtho mine are all pointing almost straight up instead of going our except for two real long ones at the very very bottom. Here's pic

the formula

Sorry duplicate pic but there's one of those on each side . It sais it is a short bushy plant in the description from the seed bank. Its a cross of Afghan and Northern lights. I'm puffin on some pure Afghan rt now and its good as fuck gotta get this plant to harvest!