lower leaves turning yellow please help!!!!!!


Active Member
hi i got 2 plants some of the lower leaves are turning yellow i water everyday i know its not nitrogen because i gave them nitrogen 2-3 weeks ago can i be watering too much the plants were big and healthy looking big green leaves and stalk overnight it changed the leaves are turning a light shade of yellow :confused:


Well-Known Member
Do you ph test? Do you use a moisture meter? How old is the plant? Do you use ferts? What brand? What strength? Watering everyday is too often.


Well-Known Member
is it the whole node or just 2 leaves because the leaves might just stop growing low and die then grow higher up


Active Member
i planted in early-mid april plants are 2-3 feet tall i use potting soil 20-20-20 i think this is my first grow it is just the lower leaves upper leaves and branches look fine i think i was watering to much i put a little bit of 35% nitrogen 2-3 weeks ago didnt hurt it at all it grew 2-3 inches in no time after that now over night the leaves just turned yellow ................ oh how can i tell if my plant is flowering i will post pics of it soon


Well-Known Member
give it more nitrogen. it needs regular feedings. it used all that you gave it. try a little more nitrogen.