Lowering PH Level?


Active Member
I been searching around but maybe i just cant find it.
Whats the best way to lower my soils PH from 8.0 to 6.5?
MG Organic and MG Potting soil


Well-Known Member
I've found the MG Organic to be pretty acidic(it was MG Organic Garden soil).
Not sure about the potting mix ph.
I'm a great do it your selfer, but the best way seems to be with the product Ph Down
I think there are 2 version, 1 for veg(contains nitric acid) and 1 for flower(contains phosphoric acid).


Well-Known Member
i added pulverized lime, its suppose to help balance the ph, im just stuck on how much per 8" rounds


Well-Known Member
use domolite Lime to help level/correct ph in soil. Ph digital meter 6.5 water and nuts. should improve everything. I'd suggest ocean forest soil b/c it has all the nuts for veg. comes in correct ph and helps keep knats and other problems away....as well as freakin forest green leaves and major growth...like a pro...just water correctly and let it dry out a bit.


Active Member
i googled domolite lime cant find where to get the stuff? is it a liquid i mix in with there water? or is it something i put ontop of there soil?


Well-Known Member
Dolomite is great stuff(most nurseries have it), but it's best mixed into the soil when preparing your soil. May not help much as a dressing. And it may not lower ph much(if at all) used that way.


Well-Known Member
Soil Mix
Seedling thru 3 wks or clones- 1 gal. OF / 1 gal. light warrior / 1/2 gal. Perlite / 2 tbsp. domalite lime per gal. soil

3 wks. on - 2 gals. OF / 1/2 gal. Perlite / 2 tbsp. domalite lime per gal. soil