Lowering soil pH without dolomite lime or sulfur


Well-Known Member
Ok, so ive done some research on how to lower the pH of soil. Every where i read says to use domolite lime or sulfur both in which have to be added to the soil before hand. I am already 1 week into flowering and I would like to get my pH lowered. What are my options?


Active Member
Ok, so ive done some research on how to lower the pH of soil. Every where i read says to use domolite lime or sulfur both in which have to be added to the soil before hand. I am already 1 week into flowering and I would like to get my pH lowered. What are my options?
What you need is HYDRATED LIME.
It mixes in both the water for watering and sprinkle on the top of the soil to water in.
It acts faster than dolomite which needs time to leech into the soil.
You can have results with Hydrated Lime in as soon as 48 hours.
It also mixes with soil in preplanting along with dolomite.
Good luck.
Any one know of a reliable soil Ph meter. I have 3 from 3 manufactures and none of them give me a realistic reading. reading. They start at 7 and they stay at 7. I am a newbee. I will take any advise or suggestions on lots of subjects. I need all of the help I can get.
My tap water starts out at 7.8 to 7.9 pretty consistently. I use 4.5 to 4.6 ml of white distilled vinegar and it gets it to 6.2 with or without nutrients. Keep it green.