Lowest temperature iso will evap at.


Well-Known Member
you ever notice in winter even when below freezing the snow still evaporates or rather sublimates away...
I usually start at ~ 78° and let it sit and conglomerate a good 12 hours is needed for my desired product. as it reduces I drop the temp to ~50° just before saturation and add a fan or slight vac. I then steadily drop the temp to ~30° as it precipitates.....like magic

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
Thats pretty much what i wanted to hear. Previously i couldnt get temp below 60° with fan. Now i can go as low as 35° with 35° air blowing over it. Just wanted to check with one of you chemistry guys if that was too low.


Well-Known Member

I soaked a couple oil atomizers and dissolved some crumble wax in 99.95 iso then evaped for about 12hrs on a heating pad then let it sit for 24hrs at room temp (67F-72F). I then scraped it up and this is what I got. Does this need to be purged any more? If so how? Should I let it sit as is at room temp for a few more hours or should I put it under low heat or just fold it up in some parchment paper until I use it? I've noticed one time that I scraped up qwiso like this (same texture) it had a slight but noticeable taste of iso.