Lowlife AK47 Automatic


Well-Known Member
Nah, smells a bit like a tomato plant, really, but not strong. The two males smelled a bit more like the herb, but this one is just starting to really bud now so it may develop yet with time.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so the lesson today is to never trust your local authority on their water analysis reports. Finally got my pH meter today and did a little test. The shop was out of buffer solution so I made a reasonable test solution by making some fresh distilled water (boiled water in a pot and caught the condensation into a clean dish). Testing the calibration on my pH meter seemed to give sensible results, reading at about 7.01, which is what we expect.

Ok, so the meter is working and calibrated.

Now, I let the water run from the tap until it went cold and filled up a glass measuring cup - tested the pH and got (duhn, duh, dah!) about 6.9! Reading the water quality report for my area, however, gave values of mean pH as 7.8! (7.6--8.2 range) So yeah, never trust anyone - measure things yourself.

So I mixed up some nute solution (1/2 strength plus 1/4 tsp. epsom salt per litre) and tested that -> pH 6.15. Perfect - just right for soil. So clearly, it would seem, that my yellowing leaves are not a pH/lockout problem. Now the mystery remains whether there is still some specific nutrient deficiency or excess, or whether they were just old fan leaves dropping, perhaps a bit quicker on the autos than for a normal plant due to their fast life cycle and very short veg period.

At any rate, I fed at 1/2 strength today with that solution after giving pure water for my last watering. Budding continues to develop and, aside from the old dead fan leaves, the rest of the plant looks vibrant and healthy.

Watch this space - more news to follow.


Well-Known Member
Day 25

Just realised I don't really have a good picture to show the size/scale of the
plant, so here's one with a gratuitous inclusion of my ESP KH-203 to give a sense of size. :blsmoke:

Otherwise she's starting to look a bit frosty and budding like a dirty minx in heat :mrgreen: Not bad for two and half-weeks from popping - I'm pretty impressed with Lowlife's genetic wizardry on this one.



Well-Known Member
fuck yeah, i hope my girls come up like that.
i will say some are short and stout indica style, others are tall sativa style...
i like the way its turning out.


Well-Known Member
fuck yeah, i hope my girls come up like that.
i will say some are short and stout indica style, others are tall sativa style...
i like the way its turning out.
nice, link us your journal when you get it up, man :blsmoke:

I noticed on this one that the early leaves were big and fat like indica/ruderalis leaves but now that it's budding the new growth are looking more and more like slim sativa leaves. Wild.
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Well-Known Member
as far as strength, lowryder 2 is around 15% ak its self is 21% so the two together should be around 18 to 20, should be just as potent as the original.with some lowryder taste and lowryder punch added.
one of the reasons i wanted to try it was the fact that ak is one hitter quitter smoke, combined with a potent autoflower, should make this something else.


Well-Known Member
as far as strength, lowryder 2 is around 15% ak its self is 21% so the two together should be around 18 to 20, should be just as potent as the original.with some lowryder taste and lowryder punch added.
one of the reasons i wanted to try it was the fact that ak is one hitter quitter smoke, combined with a potent autoflower, should make this something else.
Are you sure? 15%? I thought lowryder 2 was lacking on THC contents, but thats like, higher than a lot of the most popular stains (like Skunk#1???)?

Peace out x
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Well-Known Member
Ok, so I watered today and tested the soil runoff, which gave a pH of 5.5 - holy crap. Once again, never trust other people! I didn't buy a pH meter earlier because I thought I could trust my local water reports, but since the water coming out of my tap was about a full pH point lower than I expected, my soil is now considerably more acidic than it ought to be. I'm going to pick up some dolomite lime today and try to get it sorted out. Lessons learned.


Well-Known Member
careful not to increase the ph too fast, you'll get ph shock and slow growth for a while.


Active Member
just an idea, i got a container linked to a drain pipe from the roof, they sell them in b&q. they collect rainwater to water the garden, thats what ill be using soon. plants lookin good, it looks quite big, i got 3 in germination just starting to come threw, starting to think i should of just germed the 2 :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Rainwater is a good idea. It was something I considered but haven't found the time to put together.

Bain - good point about the pH. I'll be adding dolomite, which I think should release quite slowly. I'll add in small amounts and keep an eye on runoff pH to make sure things don't run away too quickly.


Well-Known Member
Day 28

Slowly, with flushing and a bit of lime, I've brought the runoff pH up to 6.2 from 5.5. Not much change in the plant itself yet, but I'll keep an eye on things. She's mostly looking healthy, anyway. Planted a few mixed autos yesterday too, so I should be having a few others coming up in a bit - anything of automatic kush/blueberry/lemon-skunk/etc. Should be fun, but that's another story to come. More bud pics attached :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
yay yay ...
this is what im waiting for right here...

i still cant get over the ak mix, its amazing.


Well-Known Member
It is an impressive little plant! I can't get over how much it seems it's going to yield - this thing is light years ahead of regular LR and LR2.


Well-Known Member
AN ESTIMATE ON HOW MUCH think each plant will yield.
i mean the pics dont do justice i bet it looks so much better in person.