Lowlife AK47 Automatic


Well-Known Member
LOL - that just looks like one gigantic bud with a few leaves poking out!!! Love to see that girl - thanks jay and well done again :clap: BTW - what does she smell like (if it's not a rude question)?


Well-Known Member
She's starting to smell a bit funky now - not really overpowering, but like a nice herbalescent fragrance in the room :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Sounds nice ;) Being outside mine aren't so noticeable until you're up close. The Cinammons have a real nice spicy smell, with heavy coffee undertones (don't know what happened to the cinammon LOL). Having put my Purps in the garage the last couple of days though, I find it's really strong when you walk in. Really fresh, light ganja smell, slightly fruity. I think they're gonna smell strong when they flower (yummy).


Well-Known Member
ok, small update today - Day 47

Around three weeks to go and growth has slowed noticeably. Buds continue to fatten and trichs are springing up all over the place now. Day to day now the change is more slow fattening and frosting in place of giant growth spurts. Going to grab a magnifier in the next week or so to keep an eye on trichome development. Not much change, so only a few pics today.



Well-Known Member
Those buds are getting FAT, especially that main cola man - it's unbelievable!!! Really, really stunning plant jay. Have to hand it to you, one of the nicest grows I've seen ;) If I was better at handing rep around you'd be getting more LOL. It will be coming your way soon ...


Well-Known Member
Well, whatever it did it did mostly by itself - brilliant genetics from lowlife! All I did was give it a pot to piss in and away she went :lol:


Well-Known Member
LOL - you're too modest jay. If I ever get a grow room set up I must say I'd be very tempted to give those a go. Can't wait to see you get around to smoke this lady - I think you're in for a treat ;) Did you get those seeds in the UK (if you don't mind me asking)?


Well-Known Member
plant is lookin sik mate nice ass buds!!

wen you kill it how you gona do it?
jus chop it or what?


Well-Known Member
I thought I might tie it up first - really go for the scary angle, you know. It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again... that sort of thing. Then just dry and cure as normal, etc.


Well-Known Member
Day 48

Yeah, I just did an update yesterday, but I decided to do some photography today so here's some bud pr0n for everyone. Changed lenses and lighting a bit to get some different shots - the frostiness is more apparent here.



Well-Known Member
How tall is your plant cause I was thinking bout growin some autos but was just wondering about the height? O ya did you top ur plant at all?

Lookin good man that girl is DENSE!


Well-Known Member
From the bottom of the pot to the top of the plant is about 83-85cm or so (~33"), but a good third of that is pot. From the top of the soil up it's maybe 55-60cm (22-23")tall, I'd say. No topping, just grew it as it came out. This strain seems to love to branch out a lot so there didn't seem to be much need to top. I just tied out some of the branches a bit to help it expand and give the buds more room when they grew.

I did mash the tip of the main cola about a week ago, though - accidentally tipped the pot too far and she crashed into the wall. No damage, it seemed, but the tip of the cola, I think, got bent or cracked because the top has gone all mutant on me and is growing half sideways like the tower of Pisa or something, lol.
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