Lowlife Automatic AK47 Seeds ???


Well-Known Member
Lowlife came back with new stock on Apr.14 at dope-seeds.com and amoung other seed vendors.

Lowryder 1 and all early syrains of early flowering are and were no good but, lowryder 2 and all its hybrids are of excellent quality and way more potent than its predecessors.

Advantages of Auto-flowering:

Can be grown with CFL's or T5's no problems

From seed to harvest 56-70 days.

It starts to flower by age not by light cycle so that said, it can be grown anywhere.

Vegetates in 14 days, then enters a rapid almost violent flowering frenzy.

Males show at day 17 while the females are eveident at day 21.

Grows a maximum of 2 feet.

Mixed strains are more potent

In a square 4 foot metre you can put 64 plants under a 400watt-600watt light. so 64 plants just over 1 oz. each, thats 64 oz.'s

No you cannot clone the plant but the main reason why people clone other than that you get the same genetics as the mother BUT, it saves you at least a month in the growing process/cycle.

Since the plant is so small and easily moveable and whatnot, I suggest keeping 1 male and 1 female, let them the fuck the shit out of each other and there's your next batch. There are tons of ways collecting pollen and pollenating without affecting the rest of your crop with barely any extra hassles.

Auto AK47


Well-Known Member
its great bro come check out my journal i just updated a few day ago
man that lowryder cross looks delightful man?
where can i get some seeds


Well-Known Member
Well, here's some pics of auto ak-47. This is my first grow and I think the lowryder idea is really cool. For the time being I'm stuck in a really small flat with a couple room-mates and zero space to do any sort of serious growing. A separate veg and flower room would be totally out of the question, especially for keeping a staggered harvest going. Even if I did take a normal plant through 18/6--12/12 I'd have to start all over again from the beginning anyway since there's no way to keep a mother with space for only one light. At any rate, this is growing under my desk right now. I've got a 400W Sunmaster Super HPS plus which I'm using the whole way through on 24h just to see how it fares.

I've started them a bit apart, but I've attached pics of the eldest, who just turned 15 days today and, as of two days ago, praise jah, showed her colours as a lovely lady :mrgreen:

She's branching like crazy right now and is really bushy and stout - tons of nodes with absolute minimal stretch. I can't wait to see how she'll fill out when flowering really kicks in, but it's looking like she's going to be really plump.

That said, I do agree with a lot of what's said about the autos - they're good in a very specific set of circumstances, like mine, but as soon as I move house I'll probably set up a proper room to do some real growing. Still, this has been a great introduction to growing and takes out enough of the variables that I find it's been really easy to get a handle on the basics of growing so that when I do finally set up something proper I'll have a bit of experience to be able to do it well. More news later if there's interest.

edit : put up a journal here --> https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/79911-lowlife-ak47-automatic.html


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Well-Known Member
its great bro come check out my journal i just updated a few day ago
man that lowryder cross looks delightful man?
where can i get some seeds
CannaSeur made a believer out of Jason! Good job man! I used to think it was a bad idea too, I figured the Ruderalis would make it taste like burnt rope and get you just as high as smoking said burnt rope. But I looked around and read and asked questions, and anyone who has ever grown them has never said much bad about them, only good. So I broke down and ordered some. I'm doing my first ever indoor grow but I have grown outdoors many times. Basically these autos are gonna allow me to have adecent quality outdoor crop even though I am getting started late because of my other growing projects.

I just started some autos about a week ago I started 2 Deisel Ryders and 2 Auto AK-47 x Auto Hindu Kush. Then I started 2 of each a week later, but one of the Deisel Ryders never germed :(. What I have found is that if you germ this strain for a little longer than you think you need to (which I did because of the one that never germed), you can plant them and the will break the soil by the next day. And i didn't just put like a half a millimeter of soil on them, they were a quarter inch deep and they just rocketed out of the soil after 4 or 5 days of germination.

Anyway I want to do a little test run for a perpetual weekly harvest, so I'm gonna start some each wednesday, put them in soil each sunday, and for 2 months I'm gonna have 4 plants to harvest weekly. Seems really easy, the pictures all look good, and the shit gets good reviews from those who have smoked it so I'm trying those two strains out. I will say that while both breeds are vigorous, the actual Joint Doctor plants seem more vigorous than the lowlife. Not that the lowlifes are doing bad, but it is something I noted and felt the need to say. I'll keep you all updated :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey marijuanaJoe82, I had the same problem with germinating too but, lowlife did mention that the seeds are really fresh and hard. yes you do have to germ them a bit longer but what I do is after 24hrs I use a razorblade and lightly cut where the taproot will come out and split the shell open. you have to be extremely careful when doing this because you can cut the seed in half, once the blade passes the shell its like a hot knife cutting through butter.


Well-Known Member
All I grow is lowryder I just ordered some auto ak-47 people that knock lowryder are crazy. I got 2 1/2 lbs from 23 . You tell me where i can get 2 1/2 lbs in 10 weeks??? I do most of my journals on marijuan passion heres a link to my last lowryder grow. you will be inpressed. Oh and that pic is deff a lowryder plant. Most yield on one of mine was 2 ozs dry heres the link to journal Lowryder#2, Master Kush X Lowryder, and DJ Short - Growing Marijuana Forum


Well-Known Member
The best way to germinate the seeds is soak in a cup of luke war water first then put in a paper towl. The soaking method is used to "Wake up The Seeds" heres a grow guide from low life
germinating lowlife seeds

here is the very first shit they say
"If you live in a country where it is legal to germinate cannabis seeds here is some info from the lowlife team.
These lowlife seeds are very fresh and may need soaking for 24hrs in water before attempting germination. Alternatively the 'hands on technique' may be required" Follow link to read whole guide. The site is the best site around for ordering seeds to I have always revieved my seeds with in 5 - 7 days of ordering! www.dope-seeds.com Another thig if you want to see an amazing grow of lowryder 2 check this journal out you guys will shit your pants!!!
LOWRYDER 2 Manicuring and Harvesting - Growing Marijuana Forum

Blaze happy

Active Member
The people knocking the autoflowering theory are pretty closed minded if they cant see the benifits...

Indoors, there mightnt be much of benifit, but the benifit to outdoor growers is massive!

Say your seeds arive, you can breed up a massive batch of seeds.

Then you plant say 8 each week, every week. In 9-10weeks its time to harvest the 1st batch, next week its time to harvest the second batch, and so on. This wont stop untill you stop planting. Weekly harvests? Yes please!

So each and every week, you could be harvesting say 4 female plants. And with good light and feeding you could be getting 2-5oz in total ($560-$1400 worth in my neck of the woods) per week....

I like the fact that theres no Massive harvest once a year, rather a continous one. its much easier to dry a few oz each week than to try dry 10lb at once, especially when you really dont have any where to dry such large quantitys except out in the bush.


Well-Known Member
I am about to harvest my Auto Hindu-Kush from lowlife.Will post pics when i harvest.
Everybody let's get Stoned.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, id really appreciate it if you could, im really interested to see! Let us know in here, where to go for the pics when you do em! :peace:
Hre are a couple of pictures.This is my first grow,no help.Not alot of info on the ahk.Used a 175w mh and then a 150w hps.Used holland secret nutes.135 cfm td-100x fan for exhaust and passive intakes.Average temp in box ran around 78 with lights and 73 with them off.A 20/4 cycle.
They are abot 12 days out.A little nute burn,but not bad for someone that was clueless.Well don't rag on me to much,i tried.

