LowLife autos, Blueberry & Lemon skunk. Coco-Hydro under the sun. [started 07/2]


but plants are looking good. and next time try ordering nirvana autos i have had 100% germination rate with them and using a wet paper towel in a ziploc bag stuck in a drawer


Next time it will be GHS white- widow and rhino..

8-10 weeks, for real?! That's not good.. Need to finish in about half that time, if I gonna be sure of good weather at the end. .. Anything I can do about that?!
(besides taking them indoors). Could anouther dose of "bud blood" (blooming hormones) help?
(these are supposed to be fast 10-week strains)

Well at least its good to know that they are healthy! :)


Day 51 from seed.
Haven't had the time to update you guys the last few days, but now I'm back with a status report =)

LS#1 are now in late stage flower, no more growth and just swelling. She now has overdrive as bloom booster. the rest are fully in to flower, and from the looks of things they should also hit late stage with in a few days

the feeding is sitll 2,5ml/l of base and boosters at full strength. Voodoo juice and piranha are on not used anymore. Just sensi zyme fore the roots now. Big bud as booster (except for LS#1). and i also give them a little carboload and 1/8 dose of bud candy.

The pics: 1, all 2,3 BB#1 4,5 BB#3 6,7 BB#2 8,9 LS#2 10,11,12 LS#1
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Day 58 from seed.

Seems like life is beginning to end for LS#1. She shows sign of over feeding (but I'm on the same nut strength), and i spotted about 5-10 red hairs on her today. The buds on her are small to say the least, but I guess that's because she was on bud blood to long, and of course the crappy weather.

I changed the booster to "overdrive" during the weekend as they no longer grow vertically, BB#1 is rely fattening up now =)

The pics;
1. All. 2,3. BB#1. 4,5. BB#2. 6,7. BB#3 8,9. LS#2 10,11,12. LS#1
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Well-Known Member
Hey W33D - Your plants look perfectly healthy to me, I think the only issue you have is the stretching caused by lack of enough light/sunshine.. Any plans to do indoor? How have you found the Autopots?


Cheers Mate!
Good to know that the plants look healthy! :-)

Well the problem seem to have with LS#1 and BB#2 (tall one) is that the buds are weak. The are just not enough calyxes to form a nice bud (or that at least what my eyes tell me). But LS#2 seems to bud up nicely, and BB#1&2 will land some ware in between LS#1 and #2, I guess (doesn't show that good in the pics).

Well I'm not to happy about the yeald I'm expecting of the grow so far. But i'm a Noob, and the weather hasn't been good. I don't rely know what to blame, to many factors that is out of my control (but I know that "just to finish" is a good result, for a first time Grower).. Well all that will be better when i go indoors. I bought a closet this week that I plan to have as a grow chamber. I am currently looking in to my vent. and lighting options. (stay tuned :mrgreen:)

I do like the AutoPots. I think its a good system, and it gives good value for the £$€. Its nice to be able to load the res and just forget about it (well you have to check the Ph now and then, but still). And now when the plants are a bit bigger the medium is always moist and never wet at the top inches. Think its a keeper, if i can get it to work in the new space..


It's time for an update too!

Day 65 (pics form yesterday)

LS#1 has been on flush fore a week now. She is less green than before, but still no sign of nut defs. I don't have the tools to look at the tris, bus she is abot 30-50% red hairs. so she have days left to live...

LS#2 looks to give a descent yeald. And the of blueberry's it's only LS#2 that looks week, she also got some pests right now, and i have trimmed quite a few leafs that ware to sick. All of them shows sign of over feed, so i will flush them today and go down to 1,8ml/l of base nuts (at 2,3 now).

The pics!

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Auto-Lemon skunk no. 1 got shopped down yesterday..
69 days from seed, and she was done.

She ware around 80% red hairs when I cut her down. I don't expect more than ~10g out of her.. :? But Boy do she stink!! I hung her up to dry in my pantry, which have a passive vet outdoors. But my whole home STINK!! (Now i need to get a PC-fan to move the pantry-air outdoors) Well the stink is a good sign in my book, so I have good hopes that the smoke will turn out good!

Hear are a "naked" (manicured) pic, and a close up of my little ls#1
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Blu-ray box as a point of reference and a macro!
(doesn't she have very few calyxes?)

Active vent in place!
I got the stuff i needed from my local TV / PC store.
1PC-fan, 120mm 12V
1 adapter (2,5v-12v, 1000mAh)
1 PC-fan connector cable (2 12v, 2 5v)

(And a bit of "MacGyvering")

I manege to make a "pc-fan connector" that fits in the socket on the adapter (it came with different plugs). Now i have the fan running and room to expand the no of fan to 3, (the adapter handles up to 10) if its needed in the future! :D only ran me about 20€.

The vent
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Day 74 from seed

The weather has made a turn fore the worse.. I have noticed that many leaf tips are burnt, don't know if that has to do with the nuts, or the cold nights. (Do cold nights have this effect?).

BB#1 has a red hair here and there, think she might maturing towards harvest, I'll keep an eye on this.

BB2&3 are very light green around the tips, i give them foliage feeding on this arias to give the plant the extra nuts they seem to crave.. BB#2 also seems to have grown quite a few budleafs this week to..

LS#2 also shows a few red hairs, and from the looks of things she will go on flush-phase later on this week.

The pics.
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eaven thoug LS#1 was a bit of an disappointment upon harvest, the smoke turned out quite good! It's very sativa with a "hevy high" and very little "body stone". quite uplifting and creative, a good day time & social smoke. And the "after taste" has lemony flavors. I'll give the full review when its cured..


Well-Known Member
They are looking good m8 - Usually the cold will turn your leaves a purple colour so I think the tips of your leaves is just some slight nute burn it doesn't look at all serious so I wouldn't worry about that - Autos are sensitive to over-feeding so it is hard to gauge how much they need.. Those plants would really benefit some extra light but you already know that! You are doing everything fine m8 you just need more lumens to beef up those buds


Thnx for the input M8!

Yeah, I know that I was a bit late to get the most of the season. And i don't want to take these "infested" plants in to my indoors aria (afraid i might thake some unwanted guests in with them).

Do you think its to early to start the flushing of BB#1 (and LS#2)? those two clearly wants less nuts, and the outer two wants more..
BB#1 1-2% red hairs and LS#2 around 5%, too early?


Day 81 from seed.
Both BB#1 and LS#2 has been on flush the last 6 days. The blueberry is about 20% red hairs, and the skunk is around 90% in top and around 60 at the bottom. won't bee long now =) They seem to give me some buds too, and not "calyxes on a stick" like LS#1 did..

Think the skunk will come down later on today, and the BB has quite some time to go..

BB2&3 looks fine, The tal one seems to have put on a little weight, and the LSTed one still looks quite week (like LS#1).They are being fed 2,3ml/l of base and full on boosters.

The pics.
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(BB#1 and LS#2 has been relocated. BB#1 is a LS#2 old spot, and LS#2 is ware LS#1 was before harvest.)


My auto lemon skunk (#2) got cut down yesterday..

She is much more rewarding than the outer lemon skunk. But then again they ware very different plants. Quite interesting that the same strain, and the same treatment can produce so different results. I also noticed a big difference in the root mass between the two plants. LS#1 had much less roots. When I pulled the roots out i just got a little "broomstick" out of the medium. But LS#2 pulled out the top 2/3 of the medium in the pot. In both cases they looked white and healthy..

Hear are a "naked" (manicured) pic, and a close up of my little ls#1
Attachment 1147561Attachment 1147560
Blu-ray box as a point of reference and a macro!
(doesn't she have very few calyxes?)
And the pics of LS#2
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What can been the course of the difference between the plants?
(what did I do wrong with LS#1?)

I'm also thinking of getting a vaporizer... The magic flight launch box has has caught my eye. I'm wondering if it's a good first vaporizer, or should I save until I can afford a volcano?