Lowlife White Russian Auto Flowering


Well-Known Member
Pics after the first feed with CO2.

The leaves seem to have drooped a little compared to before the Co2'd water was used. I think I may have been a little over zealous with the watering to be honest.

What's that famous saying now, "Never mess with your plants whilst stoned".

It always seems such a good idea at the time though :~)

The taller plan is 11" & the shorter is 10", hoping they grow another 6 or so inches then really start busing out.

In two minds weather to give them some feed or not, I am using Dutch Royalty Mix Compost which is pretty good & they have only been in this for 2-3 weeks, so may leave one more week then start on a 1/4 dosage of Bloom or Phos Plus.

Not sure which one really? I assume Bloom for maybe 2 weeks then Phos Plus for 2 & then plain water for 1?



Well-Known Member
Looking much better today, they are growing about an inch a night which is pretty impressive, quite a few branches now have flowers & they are starting to smell full of goodness :-)


buzzkill 01

Active Member
I would put it down get it as claoe as you can without burning the plant I have a 400 watt hps and it is currently about 7 inches over my plants just get as close as you can, if you see that your white hairs are starting to dry out that you have it too close. I know you are not flowering right now so just watch for leaf burn. Even if you do burn it a little it will still do okay as long as you catch it quick. This is my first grow with this light and I have burnt a few leaves but all in all looking pretty good.


Well-Known Member
Hey Man! Looks good! I've got same strain 50 days in... Got 20 days left till harvest!

Good Luck Bro!

Here a nice pic of mine I juss took...



Well-Known Member
Thanks Guys...

Mine are at day 42 & are coming along great seeing as they had such a bad start in life.

Here's some pics showing the change since I moved to HPS.

1st Pic is 2 weeks (Using Light Bulbs)
2nd pic is 3.5 weeks (Changed to HPS at 3 weeks)
3rd pic is 5.5 weeks

Will shortly take a pic of week 6 :~)

Thanks Illusionz1, looking good mate, I figure I am about 2-3 weeks behind schedule due to the light bulbs being used at the start of the grow. Have a look at week 6 pic when I post it shortly if you don't mind, how far behind do you think I am compared to yours?




Well-Known Member
very nice grow just tuned in. I am gonna be doing this starting the end of the month. Waiting for my long as sativa bag seed to finish up. I have read a bunch of journals with people doing auto's in soil. I am a hydro guy and I would love ot fins someone who has done it in a DWC plants must explode.

nice grow plants look sick.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys...

Here we are at 7 weeks old...

They have stopped growing in height now, one is 16" & the other 14".

I have two issues:

1) Both plants are really bushy & some of the fan leaves are blocking the light from the lower buds, I did not remove any fans on my last grow & the lower buds suffered so thought I would do it on my next, any ideas if this is ok with an auto flowering strain?

2) The lower leaves are going a bit yellow, the photos show it much worse than it is (Old 4MP Camera which has colour issues), I am pretty sure it is down to lack of light but a few of the big fan leaves are starting to turn this colour & I have not really started feeding them yet. I used Dutch Master Soil which should feed your plant for 3-5 weeks I was told.

Thinking of starting on the Phos Plus to aid the buds? Only a small dose though.



Well-Known Member
Muff will be growing mine in a dwc. starting them on real light nutes after third set of leaves and once they show sex hitting the with koolbloom and maxibloom for most of the flower till 1 week flush and chop. I am gonna be messing aroundwith some male pollen hopefully I get at least one out of my ten seeds. I will be growing three plants at a time. 3 diffrent buckets for each plant.


Well-Known Member
7.5 weeks...

Quite a lot of yellowing & drooping to the lower leaves, putting this down to either lack of light or the plants coming to the end of their cycle.

Maybe 3 weeks to go so hoping that they are not yellowing too early.

Top sections of plants all look healthy & starting to get some dust on the leaves too.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like a plan Kool...

Will watch your journal if you do one.

Should I be pumping up the nutes at this stage, I have only used 1/4 or 1/2 strength up till now.

The buds are coming along fine but not the biggest.


Well-Known Member
dont make the same mistake i did muffman :D

i stopped nutes just a little to early. mine are 9.5 weeks and still not ready and i stopped nutes at week 7.5.

i regret it because all my fan leaves are yellow and there was still abit of growing in them yet.

one will go at least 10 -11 weeks with my plants.

just my opinion mate and thought id share.


Well-Known Member
Thanks fife...

I have only used half strength nutes
for 2 weeks now as I am growing in soil
so there should have been enough feed
in that for the first 4-5 weeks.

The fan leaves are yellowing like crazy and
I would say I have approx 3 weeks to go.

Some of the lower fan leaves are crinkling up too.

I have given half strength every other water
for the last week and a half but still no


Well-Known Member
can you or have you checked the trich's?

plants do tend to take the nitrogen from the leaf's at the end of there life cycle so they can keep feeding the buds but if your giving nutes they shouldn't really yellow that rapidly?

mine started 2 weeks ago, just after i stopped nutrients. i gave them a final blast last week but that never improved things maybe slowed it down a little.

they should be fine until there finished, i guess the bud leaves are still nice and green?