Theyre great lil plants bro..
Smell is strong with some plants, somewhat fruity..Other times plants will smell very little but still smoke real nice.
Yield all depends on your setup/age of the beans etc.
Yeah there is no need for a flower schedule. 18/6 is prime all the way from seed to harvest...Altho if you wanna save a lil on electricity, you can cut down to 12/12 after 4wks, without loss of yield/quality.
All lowryders auto,males and fems..around 17 days for males and 21-23 days for females. Give them as much light as possible to get good yield,also go easy with the nutes.They dont like high levels, i never use more than 1/2 to 3/4 dose.
Molasses works real well up to 1 tsp per litre.
Once the cotyledon leaves have started to shrivel up and die, give it a DILUTED feed using 'grow' type nutes, and continue until it shows sex.
Then use 1/6 of the grow nutes, and slowly build up the bloom booster nutes.
Use molasses a wk after flowering starts.
The buzz is around 30 mins to 1 hr, it depends when you chop for type of buzz.
If you go at the 'suggested' 60 days its an up high, i generally find they will not be anywhere near done in 60 days and mine often go out to 75-85 dys.I chop when the trichs are 60+% amber, as it has a nice couchy effect.
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