Lowryder #1 CLF PC Grow


Well-Known Member
Of course I'll get some pics but I need to get some stuff done before. I'll have pics of the harvest, the deimos and the new plants either today or tomorrow :)

BTW I forgot to tell you guys. When I remove the plant from the pot it seem that it could have make the same with a smaller pot. Didn't really used all the space she had.


Active Member
so ur sayin the rootz were not as big as thy could be..................or just wait they didnt take up all they space....wow.......the rootz on my lil auto were CRAZY............but i guess im just suprized


Well-Known Member
so ur sayin the rootz were not as big as thy could be..................
Yes, I read that the minimum pot size for a lowryder should be 4L and so that's why I used but she didn't use all the space (compared to other non-auto plants I grew), I guess it could be because the plant grows in only two months and maybe also because I was using 200W CLF. More light could mean bigger root system.

So I believe I could have used smaller pots without affecting the harvest. That would mean more pots (more plants) in the grow space and therefore more bud :D


Well-Known Member
No, I may end up getting the root juice from biobizz and also the alga or fish mix but right now I only have grow and bloom nutes and those are the ones I used.


Well-Known Member
It's a really good question, I read that they work pretty well for lowryder. Do you use any root stimulator or any other nutes ?


Active Member
was the root juice question aimed at me????????i do bush doctors kangroots it a FF product....but i would be using advanced nute if i could afford them..............
It's a really good question, I read that they work pretty well for lowryder. Do you use any root stimulator or any other nutes ?


Well-Known Member
So here are some pictures of the lowryder's harvest, just in case anybody is interested, she was harvested at day 59 from the day I put her in soil. I used a 4L pot and ~200W CLF lighting.


Here are some pictures of the Deimos at day 67, also in a 4L pot, I hope I can harvest her at the end of the week.


And here are some pics of the new 7 plants, I'll have them under 16/8 until Friday (day ~14) and then put them under 12/12.


try the soil tablets from nirvana or the flowering tablets like I did =D
How did they work for you ? did you harvest the plants ? did you have any tablet left in the soil ?

was the root juice question aimed at me????????i do bush doctors kangroots it a FF product....but i would be using advanced nute if i could afford them..............
Yes, it was aimed to you hehe do you also use grow and bloom nutes ?


Well-Known Member
I could spot the fist amber trichomes in the Deimos so harvesting at the end of the week still sounds like a good idea, we'll see what the trcihomes say :)


Well-Known Member
Well, she is 70 days old today so it's not that much really but yes, it feels like forever. I'll check the trichomes again and fix a date, probably saturday :)


Well-Known Member
Checked the trichomes and saw more amber than yesterday so I'll chop on Saturday morning. Looks like we are gonna have some trimming to do on Saturday lilmi :)


Well-Known Member
lol glad you like it real!! :) I was thinking about putting the plant in a dark space for the whole Friday but haven't got a dark space. I'll try to keep her in the dark on Saturday morning until the harvest.