Lowryder #1 CLF PC Grow

David Fonseca

Active Member
i froze some of the pollen so hopefully next time i get lowryders i can seed another one again
Did you dry it properly:?:
Copy pasted from another forum don't no if i can say wich!!! but here it is!:smile:

I recently collected pollen to get to pin, and had never done such thing before. But reading through my book that was gifted to me a couple months ago (marijuana horticulture, the indoor/outdoor Medical growers bible by JorgeC), and through some posts made by Spacecowboy and someone else here, after about a week I felt comfortable enough to do so I went for it.
It really wasnt hard to do, You just have to make sure the pollen is thoroughly dry before your going to send it or freeze it.
So heres a lil tut. with pics on everything exactly the way I did it. If it worked for me, it should def work for anyone else.

I collected mi pollen on brown paper..

put it into a brown paper envelope I made , and taped the sides.

I then put the packet of pollen in between two dessicant packets and left the flap of the pollen packet open to breath..

..I let the pollen sit between these dessicant packs for 2 and a half days, I left them on top of my printer, where it is slightly warm..it was hardly warm at all, just enough that I could feel it a tiny bit from the screen below. I lifted the top pack of dessicant once or twice a day and put it right back on top, this also kept dust and whatever else out.

After 2 &a1/2 days of sitting out and drying on the dessicant, I folded over the flap on the polen packet and taped the seam, dont add to much tape on the packet, that will stop the paper from breathing, just enough tape to cover any seams.

It was going to be a couple days before I could get it out, so I took mi dry pollen, and prepared it this way to put in mi freezer and hoped I had done everything right and was going to keep it alive.

I filled a plastic ball jar half way full with the dessicant from one of the dessicant packets....

and stuck my sealed pollen packet in the middle...

and filled it up the rest of the way, covering the pollen pack in dessicant to keep away any moisture that it may come in contact with.....

Put the lid on it nice n tight...

wrap it in a paper towel (again, jus cuz I wanted to keep any moisture as far away as possible)..lol...

and stuck it in the freezer..

2 days later I was ready to send it. I took the pollen out of the freezer and put it into a small paper envelope, I then added a small amount of the dessicant in the envelope with the pollen packet to keep it dry during its journey...

Then just close that envelope up and tape it closed, and send it to whomever needs it, or just keep it in the freezer until you need it. I dont know by experience, but I have read many different people say that pollen can be kept for months and months in the freezer this way, and one guy said it would last years... I dunno bout that, but maybe. lol Anyway.. It got to its destination 6 or 7 days later and was used on a girl and pollinated her right up nice n is know growin nice seeds!!

Hope it helps ppl make seeds to share with the world. __________________


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, here are the plants at day 15 and a big update :) two pictures from each plant, so far everything looks alright.

The first picture is from the deimos. David, will read your post later coz I haven't got time right now, looks interesting :)



Well-Known Member
Hey David, finally got a few minutes to read trough the post and is good to know the many uses of the desiccant :) thanks for sharing +rep for you.

Thanks choop, I'll try to get some pics of the roots this week so you can see how they are evolving, they don't seem to be having any troubles to get everywhere in the pot :)


Well-Known Member
Hi there everybody! I wanted to post an update on the male just in case anybody is interested, he is doing fine so far. I want to keep the polen under control so I cut all the branches away leaving only the main tip alive. I don't know how this will affect the plant but I guess he'll be fine. I can see some balls growing so I'll have to be careful from now on so the polen doesn't fly around freely. Here are some pics:


David Fonseca

Active Member
If you let them grow a bit then before they open pull them store in a jar or something, and then when its opens you can use a brush to pollinate all of the plant, or just some shots that way you can have part of the plant creating seeds and still get smokable bud!! I think you could pull of that one in the back looks big !!!
he looks really good and healthy how old is he?


Well-Known Member
Yes, he does look good, a bit naked now without the branches but still good :) He's 25 days old on those pics.


Well-Known Member
So here are some pictures of the plants at day 19. Pre-flowers are starting to form so I guess I'll be able to identify them in a day or two. They are finally starting to look like grown ups, the stem is thickening up and branches are starting to grow :)


David Fonseca

Active Member
When she gets bigger you can chop some fan leaves they wont notice it ass long as you do it properly! my side branches were getting big so i cut of some fanys so they can catch come light and bud as well as the top :)
you could give the 2# a bit of veg nute she is a bit yellow like 1 ml for l you should be ok
Cheers they are looking very good


Well-Known Member
Looking amazing bro. We both look like we are about the same point now. Its great that both our grows are at the same day, mine only being day 20. I added another light to my grow and they started to take off even more. I'll be posting pictures on my later but its great that I have picture to compare to now. Keep up the work. You think yours are flowering already? I'm not sure if I can really say the same with mine, I hope they don't start to flower before the 30 day mark for me because I want all the nutrients from my soil to be gone when I put the flowering tablets in from Nirvana.

David Fonseca

Active Member
Do you know how long they last, and how long is your flowering period i did but i forgot! its just cause i seen lots o people saying to stay away from tablets cause they usually take a long time to dissolve and when you get to the flush they are still there!


Active Member
depending on the auto i believe they veg 3 weeks and flower 7 I may be wrong but if my brain is workin right this should be kinda common info for auto's. i also say this on the premise that my Auto Ak showed sex on day 21. soo...im just saying......research is key....sorry if i sound rude i dont mean to....


Well-Known Member
LOW - RY - DA!!! whut up... had some hacker issues for the past few week...look good man...
Thanks :) I hope the hacker wasn't to hard on you hehe ;)

When she gets bigger you can chop some fan leaves they wont notice it ass long as you do it properly! my side branches were getting big so i cut of some fanys so they can catch come light and bud as well as the top :)
you could give the 2# a bit of veg nute she is a bit yellow like 1 ml for l you should be ok
Cheers they are looking very good
Thanks :) I don't think I'll cut any leaves unless really necessary but we'll see, still a long way to go until that could happen, right now I can only think about how many will be female!

Looking amazing bro. We both look like we are about the same point now. Its great that both our grows are at the same day, mine only being day 20. I added another light to my grow and they started to take off even more. I'll be posting pictures on my later but its great that I have picture to compare to now. Keep up the work. You think yours are flowering already? I'm not sure if I can really say the same with mine, I hope they don't start to flower before the 30 day mark for me because I want all the nutrients from my soil to be gone when I put the flowering tablets in from Nirvana.
Thanks, I'm happy so far, lets wait and see how many girls I get... I saw in your journal that you added the other 85W, sure they'll enjoy it, and also the other bulb if you end up using it ;) The plants are also looking great. Lowryders should show sex around day 20 so it should happend in a day or two. About the tables, David's question is good, the plants will start flowering around day 20, then they'll flower for about 40 days and you still have to flush, lets say 7 days for that. That means that you will have aprox. 30-33 days to use the tables. Do you think that will be enough ??


Active Member
on my pc but my laptop is ok for now, and the software gets here soon for this lil guy..... tiny laptop....never saw one so small before