I started it in the 8 inch pot, as well as had my 2 2700k lights and only 1 6500k light on. I think that is why.Hey i have roots coming out of my holes all the time. if they can stay moist they will grow. the ones that come out will dry up and die off. if you have plenty of root room you will be good. also not to offend you, that plant is missing something. way too small. i understand its a lowrider but still very small.
idk much about lowryders, but it looks like your are off to a great start. ill be watching.
No! now you're confusing me! 6500k is white light is it not?! And 2700k is the warm light which is yellow! Right?!
HEHE Lucy makes me smile sometimes, is that weirdThat was my first thought...
yeah those are definately teeny tiny pistils..keep it up bro
She did grow a bit, i left one 6500k in there and just added the last 2700k. So currently there are 1 6500k and 3 2700k in there, and the fans running. Since she is flowering do you think it would be a good time to add the flower tab? Tomorrow when i post pics it will be day 20.Yo Millyy, I think Lucy is trying to let you know she is ready to get her flowering on. I think Lucy is a little small for her age. I can see she has grown since you add the 2700ks and took out one of the 6500ks. I hope it's not because she's too cold without the lights on in the garage. Add some blankets during the lights off time to ensure the temps stay above 65 degrees.
Thanks, i'll check how much the fans are all together.. do you think 2 amps sounds like enough though?make sure that the charger has more amps than the amps of all the fans together.
Thanks man, I found a 2.5 amp 12 volt adapter that I will either be using that or, the psu.. I'll know by either tonight or tomorrow. Pics in a little.Yes, 2 amps should be enough, the fan with more amps I've got has 0.5A and that's definitely a lot for a fan. Anyway you just need to check the fans, they usually have the amps they need written on a stick.
The computer PSU could be a very good option but it'll be more difficult to connect, not impossible thoughLet us know if you go for it.