lowryder#1 still no sign of sex

well to start off im growing 18 orignal lowryder in a homebox xl under 600w hps.the problem is its day 28 and no signs of sex yet.ive read all the pros and cons likes and dislikes about the strain had to try it for my self am. any one else have this problem with lowryder????could they just be showing late
pictures ill work on anouther day or 2 but for now first i use promix bx no special mix straight out of the bag. first 2 weeks i used jiffy pots keeping lights on 24/0 using 4 foot flouescents. after week 2 i planted in 1 gal final home also using 1/4 strength grow big ''fox farm''. today on day 29 i used tiger bloom/big bloom after doing some more reading seems like it could kick in the process...temps have been perfect 76 no high then 80,71 being my low..rite now humidity is a bit high i think between 60-75% as my room is in the basment.i have started the dehumidifer hopeing it will drop some before my girls flower. my last grow had to get cut short due bud mold.....this beeing my second grow i realize patience is key but from what i read most people's palnts have shown by this point. but ill just wait and see there getting a nice smell to them now as i walk in my room and get smacked in the face with a nice aroma ill work on those pics
okey its day 31 from sprout all 18 look healthy gave some bloom nutes a few days ago still nothing no hairs no balls just mini pot plants..thing is if its 8 to 10 weeks like the breeders say headed on week 5 will my plants die before they bud shoudl i go 12/12 confused:wall:
i was hoping for some more replys with people who have ran into this problem ive done some reading and some people wait but the whole reason i grew lowryder was for its timley trait....ive cut my lights to 12/12 maby ill see sumthing happen with these lowryder i also have 8 endless sky a couple weeks old time will tell
yeah we need pix..help us help u..lol using a friends computer wont allow me to upload pictures sorry my lab top but on a good note i finally have some sexing going on. So far 8 lowryder showed male and 2 female so far, one being tallest plant, i thought for sure it was going to be male after reading in many post the taller one tend to be male 8 left to sex hoping the rest are.... 1 of 6 endlesssky showed female those only had 2 week veg peirod last grow i veged 7 weeks curiouse to see how things work out pics will be coming i just waiting for my own computer.....
wish i could get some pics up here working on it i promise but i now have 8lr and 4 endless sky which were pollanited with chocolate bubba kush 'just found out. any ways the lr arent doing a whole lot i mean the showed sex lots of hairs but compaired to the es that have buds forming and covered in trikes along with a overpowering smell and only on day 17 flowering....


Active Member
wish i could get some pics up here working on it i promise but i now have 8lr and 4 endless sky which were pollanited with chocolate bubba kush 'just found out. any ways the lr arent doing a whole lot i mean the showed sex lots of hairs but compaired to the es that have buds forming and covered in trikes along with a overpowering smell and only on day 17 flowering....
Hey xgrow. Noticed you been havin probs with postin pics. give me a call. Maybe I can help. And by the way, your doin an excellent job of givin info on this forum. Definately wanna see the outcome of endless sky and Bogs choc.bubba kush. Sounds like you could end up being a moderater here.
You definatly have been doin your homework. Talk to ya later