Lowryder #2, 18 days from seed

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
looks kind of small for 18 days. what medium are you using? imo, to small to give nutes yet. what strain?


I'm growing in about 3 gallon pots. 3 in each, ( I reckon 50% will be males).

But at the moment I really don;t think it's using even 5% of the soil. It looks very small, as you can see in the pic.

I'm not giving it any fertilizer ( I bought a pre-fertilized soil, very light fert.)
I water 1-2 a week, only when it the soil at the top is dried, it gets loads of sunlight.
I actually started to see some heat stress signs, so I;m trying to give it 3-4 hours of direct sunlight max.

Anything you think I should do, or doing wrong?

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
never grown lowrider#2, so I don't know what to expect. I figured they'd be bigger than this...imo only! Good luck to you!

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Sorry dude that I couldn't be much help. I'm sure someone on here will have an answer you're looking for!


Well-Known Member
try mixing in some perlite into that dirt so it airates a bit and the dirt wont get all soggy and clumped up. you gotta have good drainage if you want your roots to grow fast so air is allowed into the dirt for the roots to use. in my opinion it looks like too much water.


Active Member
Lowryder 2 should be a lot bigger than that after 18 days and should be flowering or at the start of flowering. The soil does look like it has little or no drainage. Soil needs to get dry on occasion for air to get to the roots. Waterlogged soil can also lead to root rot. I would transplant this ASAP into potting compost with 25% Perlite (or gravel).


Active Member
If you have to water 1-2 times a week and the soil's still too wet you definitely have a drainage problem IMO


Well-Known Member
They will be fine if you hold off on watering a bit.I'm growing some right now at day 40 and mine started out the same, and now they're all about a ft tall.they have shifty genetics depending on where the seeds come from.many people claim solid tested genetics but you can get retarded plants.lots of varied phenotypes of lowryder 2